News, updates and positions offered
Integrated Marine Biosphere Research
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Open call for applications for 1 Chair or 2 Co-Chairs for the IMBeR Scientific Steering Committee. Submit your interest by 1 December
Announcements, interesting reads and more
Abstract deadline extended for the IMBeR West Pacific Symposium to
10 October
Listen to the William and Carelyn Reeburgh Lecture given by Prof. Dennis Hansell at the AGI 2020 Fall Meeting: Oceanic Dissolved Organic Carbon: The World Tour
Interesting read: The Ocean Carbon Response to COVID-Related Emissions Reductions
Deep sea cinema: a plea to save the oceans, and us
Interesting read: fostering ocean empathy through future scenarios
Ocean Visions launches five digital road maps that provide overviews of potential ocean-based carbon dioxide technologies, critical obstacles they face and first-order priorities
Ocean State Report 5 Summary now available online
Survey: Marine science ECRs please help: tell us your research approach, motivation, obstacles & benefits of knowledge co-production (from experience or your plans to conduct this kind of research. Takes about 10-15 minutes
Call for EOI: Marine science students and ECRs to join IMBeR’s IMECaN Organising Committee. Submit by
30 September
ESA-Future Earth call for funding proposals. Apply by
30 September
Events and recordings
IMBeR ClimEco7 was held online in August; check out the recorded talks
Final call for video submissions: multiple UN Decade events. Various submission deadlines
27 September - 29 October
! Use @CoralAtlasChallenge, tag @allencoralatlas, and share how you use or will use the Allen Coral Atlas
MEOPAR Annual Training Meeting 2021, online.
25 October-5 Novembe
Conservation Marketing Conference 2021, online.
27-30 October
Biological Observations in the Indian Ocean (From Microbes to Megafauna); virtual training course, hosted by IOGOOS.
8-12 November
OCB Scoping Workshop: Laying the foundation for a potential future BioGeoSCAPES program, online,
10-12 November
Online workshop: Towards a Coordinated European Observing System for Marine Macroalgae.
23-25 November
; register by 30 October
Modelling for Ocean Forecasting and Process Studies, virtual training course, hosted by IOGOOS,
6-10 December
3rd International Conference on Community Ecology, online.
12-14 December
; abstracts due by 31 October
Don't forget...
Save the date: Ocean Frontier Institute 2022 Biennial Conference, Halifax NS, Canada.
16-19 May 2022
Recorded Webinar: Behavior change for climate action for the oceans and beyond
ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu HI, USA, hybrid. 27 February - 4 March. Abstract and Town Hall/Event submissions due
29 September
MASTS 11th Annual Science Meeting 2021, online.
5-7 October
Video-making Co-production Workshop, online.
8 October
(1-3pm UTC)
EMSO Time Series Conference: Observing Ocean Sound, Canary Islands, Spain.
20-22 October
Virtual workshop: Application of ocean science and technology for sustainable Blue Economy in developing countries,
8-9 November
. Register now
2nd South African National Shark Conservation Forum, Gansbaai South Africa.
19 November
; register by 30 October
Ocean Science Meeting session: The uptake of data by citizen scientists, aggregators and end-users: successes, challenges and gaps in the dataflow.
27 February to 4 March 2022
. Submit your abstract by 29 September
International Indian Ocean Science Conference, Goa, India.
14-18 March
Jobs and opportunities
PhD: microbial pathways that lead to to nitrous oxide production, Florida State University and Stanford University, USA. No deadline given;
apply now
Research Fellow: fisheries management, University of Wollongong, Australia. No deadline given;
apply now
Manager of Equitable Ocean Communities, Ocean Conservancy., remote working. No deadline given;
apply now
Project Manager: Synoptic Arctic Survey, Bergen, Norway. No deadline given;
apply now
Technician, associate research or postdoc scientist: development of seagoing instrumentation, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA. No deadline given; apply now
Director of Ocean-Climate Justice, Ocean Conservancy., remote working. No deadline given;
apply now
Director, Marine and Coastal Conservation, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Washington, DC, USA. No deadline given;
apply now
Assistant Professor: Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program, Bristol Bay, Alaska, USA. Open until filled but apply by 24 September for full consideration
apply now
Postdoc (multiple): High resolution remote sensing for Hawaii Decision support; Carbon Mapper Mission Science Applications Team, Center for Global Discovery and Conservation Science, Arizona State University. Application review begins 20 September and continues until positions are fill;
apply now
Senior Consultant in Environmental Policy, ICF. no deadline given;
apply now
Head of Evaluation: Marine and Fisheries, DEFRA, UK. Apply by
3 October
PhD: Marine heritage and sustainable development in the Eastern Mediterranean, University of Edinburg, Scotland. Apply by
4 October
Fisheries Observer, Falkland Islands Government, Stanley, Falkland Islands. Apply by
7 October
Division Director: Ocean Sciences, National Science Foundation, Alexandria, VA, USA. Apply by
12 October
Postdoc: equitable management of the Indo-Pacific tuna fisheries, ANCORS Ocean Nexus. Apply by
14 October
NOAA funding opportunity: Coastal Change / Ocean Acidification; Stressor Impacts and Mitigation / Harmful Algal Bloom Detection and Forecasting in USA. Letter of intent by
14 October
PhD: Maritime archaeology, Stockholm University, Sweden. Apply by
15 October
Communication Officers, MarSocSci Committee. call for expressions of interest open until
15 October
Professor (Advanced Assistant, Associate or Full): commons governance, Indiana University, USA. Apply by
15 October
PhD: population genomics of the
Limacina helicina
species complex. Nord University, Bodø, Norway. Apply by
20 October
PhD: Social license in onshore lobster aquaculture, University of Tasmania, Australia. Apply by
29 October
Grant: FY2022 Marine Debris Prevention. Full grant application deadline: 11 February 2022. Letter of intent must be submitted by
29 October
Postdoc: Shaping European research leaders for marine sustainability (SEAS), University of Bergen, Norway. Apply by
31 October
Postdoc: ERCProject MARIPOLDATA, University of Vienna, Austria. Apply by
31 October
Chemical Oceanographer/Aqueous Trace Element Biochemist, tenure-track position, Florida
State University, USA. Apply review begins
1 November
Postdoc: Marine Trace Metal and Isotope Biogeochemistry, The Royal NIOZ Texel, The Netherlands. Apply by
12 November
Postdoc: Environmental humanities, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA. Apply by
12 November
Postdoc: Ocean chemistry, ecological change and coastal communities, University of California - Davis, USA. Apply by
31 December
In case
you missed it...
Senior Scientist: Ocean Acidification, Washington State Department of Ecology, Lacey, WA, USA. Apply by
29 September
Postdoc: Molecular ecology, Smithsonian Institution, MarineGEO, Edgewater, Maryland (negotiable). Apply by
30 September
PhD Research Fellow in biological oceanography, Universitetet i Bergen, Norway. Apply by
3 October
PhD: psychology on sustainable seafood production and consumption, Universitetet i Bergen, Norway. Apply by
3 October
Two Postdocs: contribution of fisheries to sustainable food systems, Universitetet i Bergen, Norway. Apply by
3 October
Funding opportunity: Just Transitions within Sectors and Industries Globally, funded by the British Academy. Apply by
5 October
Grant: Sharing Science Grants for Science Communication and Outreach. Apply by
11 October
Award: 2022 Simmons Early Career Investigator in Marine Microbial and Evolution Awards. Letter of intent due 5 November
Assistant Professor: Chemical oceanography/Marine biogeochemistry, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. Apply by
7 November
Stay safe and connected everyone!
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