News, updates and positions offered
Integrated Marine Biosphere Research
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IMBeR e-News
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Announcements, interesting reads and more
Don't forget: Call for abstracts: IMBeR West Pacific Symposium 2021. Abstracts due by
15 September
Check out Nature's most spectacular photos from July
Interesting read: Cuttlefish can remember what, when and where information about things that they have experienced
Call for Early Career Scientists to join new ICES Strategic Initiative
Ways to manage post-PhD ‘Imposter Syndrome”
The Ecosystem Studies of the Subarctic and Arctic Seas (ESSA) program is inviting nominations for early career researchers interested in the impacts of climate change on high-latitude marine ecosystems to join its Scientific Steering Committee
Ocean Acidification-International Coordination Centre: updated bibliographic database and user guide
Call for nominations of experts to (1) the nexus assessment and (2) the transformative change assessment, IPBES. Submit by
13 September
Call for nominations: Ocean Decade Advisory Board. Submit nominations by
15 September
Invitation to submit research articles to the journal Frontiers in Marine Science around the research topic "African Ocean Stewardship: Navigating ocean conservation and sustainable marine and coastal resource management in Africa". Submit by
30 September
European Space Agency – Future Earth joint programme call for proposals 2021: Biodiversity, climate impacts on human health, climate tipping elements. Apply by
20 September
The Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry (OCB) Program is seeking proposal for OCB activities. Submit by
22 October
Events and recordings
Recording: Operational Oceanography for well-informed decision making
Webinar: MaRINET2 short-course: Methods and environmental data collection in Marine Renewable Energy sites.
3 September
IUCN World Conservation Congress side event: The Ocean Decade and Biodiversity.
4 September
at 2:00pm CEST
SANCOR Webinar: Climatic Controls on Metabolic Constraints in the Ocean.
6 September
at 1:00pm SAST
ICES Annual Science Conference 2021, online.
6-10 September
Marine Spatial Planning Information Sharing Session, online.
9 Septembe
at 9:30am SAST
Online course: Implementing the Ocean Data and Information System (ODIS) architecture. Apply by
10 Se
Ocean Acidification Week 2021, online. 1
3-17 September
Unlocking the potential of ports and harbours in preventing and reducing the effects of marine litter, Venice, Italy and online.
14 September
Goldschmidt 2022 - Call for GEOTRACES session proposals, submit by
15 September
Webinar: Women in the Blue Economy in the Mediterranean.
22 September
Webinar: Ocean and Climate Change: Building Adaption, Mitigation and Resilience.
25 September
Call for abstracts: Symposium: Decadal Variability of the North Atlantic and it’s Marine Ecosystem: 2010-2019, Bergen Norway. Submit by
27 September
Webinar: How to do science so it influences marine policy and management: A panel discussion with a focus on Latin America, Caribbean and African contexts.
28 September
at 3:00pm UTC
Workshop on Policy and Advocacy for Sustainable Fisheries in the Mediterranean, online.
30 September - 1 October
6th International Marine Connectivity Conference, online, 6-7 December. Abstracts due
1 October
Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity in UK marine science: past of t
he Challenger Society and MASTS 2021 virtual meetings.
5 October
Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity in UK marine science: past of the Challenger Society and MASTS 2021 virtual meetings.
6 October
Abstracts due by
10 September
4th World Small-Scale Fisheries Conference: Asia-Pacific regional congress, Shizuoka City, Japan, on 10-13 May 2022. Abstracts due
15 October
Workshop on Application of Ocean Science Technology, online, 8-9 November. Register by
25 October
4th World Small-Scale Fisheries Conference to be held as a series of four regional congresses in 202
Don't forget...
Recording: 2021 Ocean acidification and hypoxia RPF informational webinar
GOOS-OECD-MEDIN Webinar: Value chains in public marine data, A UK Study.
7 September
WCRP Climate Research Forum: Climate research priorities for the next decade, South America region.
8-9 September
Webinar: Using an incremental approach for "wicked problems" in fisheries management and marine EBM.
16 September
at 5pm UTC
Webinar: Turning the tide of parachute science.
21 October
at 3pm UTC
AGU21: Science is Society, New Orleans, Louisiana.
13-17 December
Jobs and opportunities
Remote externship: Marine and community conservation (National Geographic and Nature Conservancy).
Apply now
Marine and Coastal Science Program - non-tenure track instructor, University of Western Washington, Bellingham, WA, USA. Open continuously,
apply now
Fisheries Policy/Program Analyst, Lynker Technologies, Seattle WA, Portland OR, Long Beach CA, USA. No deadline given; apply now
Research Group Leader: Ocean Systems & Climate - SOCCO Programme, CSIR, Rosebank, Cape Town. Apply by
31 August
PhD: Biological oceanography for applicants from Global South, Apply by
1 September
Research Internship: North-West University Water Research Group. Apply by
1 Septembe
Technical Advisor: Mangroves and Blue Carbon, Blue Ventures, Bristol, UK or global offices in Madagascar, Kenya, or Tanzania. Apply by:
1 September
Postdoc: Human well-being impacts of large-scale marine conservation initiatives, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada. Apply by
2 September
PhD Scholarships for the
Closing the Circle Programme: Marine Debris, Sargassum and Marine Spatial Planning research
: World Maritime University, Malamo, Sweden. Apply by
5 September
Educator: Save Our Seas Foundation Shark Education Centre, Kalk Bay, Western Cape. Apply by
6 September
Research Assistant/Postdoc: Social and social-ecological dimensions of marine protected areas in British Columbia, University of Victoria, BC, Canada. Apply by
8 September
Lecturer Above the Bar in Ocean Atmosphere Interactions and SOLAS Executive Director, University of Galway, Galway, Ireland. (See Academic vacancies). Apply by
9 September
BEPSII exchange program award 2021 for work by early career scientists relating to biogeochemical exchange processes at sea-ice interfaces. Apply by
10 September
Communications Consultant: Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), Paris France but other locations will be considered. Apply by
12 September
NORAD Sustainable Blue Economy Coordinator, WWF, Antananarivo, Madagascar. Apply by
13 September
PhD: Examining climate change and human wellbeing in Puget Sound, Oregon State University, Oregon, USA. Apply by
15 September
Blue Climate Initiative Ocean Innovation Prize: $1million for ocean strategies to mitigate climate change. Apply by
15 September
ECORD Research grants: merit-based awards for outstanding young scientists. Apply by
15 September
Postdoc: Plankton imaging and machine learning, Laboratoire D'Oceanographie de Villefranche, Nice, France. Apply by
15 September
Postdoc: Fisheries science, Ecoscope. Apply by
15 September
BES Policy Fellowship: British Ecological Society. Apply by
17 September
Research Project Manager, FutureMARES, Texel, The Netherlands. Apply by
17 September
Assistant/Associate Professor: Ecological, Environmental and Evolutional Genomics, KU Leuven, Belgium. Apply by
17 September
South Western Indian Ocean (SWIO) Seascape Leader. WWF Madagascar, Antananarivo, Madagascar. Apply by
21 September
Ocean Visions today opened applications for its “Launchpad” to support competitors to the $100 million XPRIZE Carbon Removal who are pursuing ocean-based carbon dioxide removal (CDR) pathways. Apply by
24 September
PhD: Social Iicence in Onshore lobster aquaculture, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia. Apply by
29 October
18 SEAS postdoctoral research fellow positions, University of Bergen, Norway. Apply by
31 October
SEAS postdoctoral research fellow: Marine biogeochemical hazards, University of Bergen, Norway. Apply by
31 October
In case
you missed it...
Marine Biologist: Cardno GS, Inc., Honolulu, HI. No deadline given;
apply now
Aquaculture Marine Policy Specialist: A.I.S.. Inc., Lacey, WA. No deadline given;
apply now
PhD/postdoc positions: Ocean Fertilization by Dust, HUJI, Israel. No deadline give;
apply now
Grant: Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia, offered by California Sea Grant and the California Ocean Protection Council. Letters of intent due by
30 August
Assistant Professor: Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program, Dillingham, Alaska. Apply by
30 August
Fellowship for early-career scientist to participate in exchange visits. Apply by
31 August
Research Director: Marine Stewardship Council, London, UK or other MSC office. Apply by
13 September
Marine Aquarist: Reefscapers, Marine Discovery Centre, Maldives. Apply by
15 September
Postdoc: Mixing and the meridional overturning circulation in the modern and glacial ocean, Oregon State University. Open until filled but apply by
30 September
Postdoc: Investigating Antarctic ice sheet-ocean-carbon cycle interactions during the last deglaciation, Oregon State University. Open until filled but apply by
30 September
Editor-in-Chief for BioFactors, International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Apply by
31 October
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