Marine news, events, opportunities and more
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IMBeR e-News
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Announcements, interesting reads and more
How to achieve successful knowledge exchange between science and society
Oceanscape, a joint POGO and GEO Blue Plant project, identifies existing, and create new, partnerships
Ocean and Climate Change – Digital School Science Kit
Interesting read: ECO Magazine issue on Marine Mammals
Take a cruise with GEOTRACES new interactive map
Online survey: Stakeholder engagement in the Weddell Sea in Antarctic waters
UN Decade News: First artists-in-residence named as part of the EMBRacing the Ocean programme
2022 POGO Call for Proposals. Submit by
10 June
Call for contributions:: Frontiers in Ocean Observing Issue 2. Expressions of interest due
20 June
Call for proposals: Women in the Blue Economy. Submit by
22 September
Call for proposals for the 2022 Robin Rigby Trust: Community-Focused Coastal Research. Apply by
31 October
Most clicked from the last IMBeR e-News!
Call for abstracts for Frontiers for Young Minds: The Ocean Collection. Submit by
31 July
Events and recordings
IMBeR and IPO Host Events
Workshop: The state of Ocean Deoxygenation Research in Canada, online.
20 June
Reminder -
Ecosystem Studies of the Subarctic and Arctic Seas (ESSAS) Annual Science Meeting, Seattle, USA.
19-23 June
Register now
World Ocean Day is
8 June
Webinar: The ONo Index: Detecting novel ocean conditions for MPA management,
9 June
Last chance! 4th World Small-Scale Fisheries Congress - North America, St. John's Newfoundland, Canada.
20-22 June
Register by 10 June
Webinar: Measuring progress towards effective MPAs - Indicators and tools.
21 June
2022 UN Ocean Conference, in-person by invite only, livestream details to follow.
27 June-1 July
Webinar: Understanding ecological dynamics using BGC-Argo data.
29 June
Webinar: Integrating Climate Change into Marine Protected Area (MPA) Management Plans,
6 July
Abstract deadline extension: 10th SCAR Open Science Conference, online,
1-10 August
Abstracts now due 12 June
Call for abstracts: 7th Argo Science Workshop, Brussels, Belgium (hybrid),
11-12 October.
Abstracts due by 15 June
Save the date! WOC Sustainable Ocean Summit, Barcelona, Spain.
17-18 October
Don't forget...
Save the date! GOOS-CLIVAR Workshop, ICTP, Trieste, Italy.
15-17 August
Sustainable Ocean Conference, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada.
23-24 September
Reminder: ICES PICES Science Conference, Seattle, USA.
23-27 October
4th World Small-Scale Fisheries Congress (4WSFC), Merida, Yucatan, México.
25-27 October
4th World Small-Scale Fisheries Congress (4WSFC), Cape town, South Africa (hybrid).
21-23 November
Abstracts due 15 June
Jobs and opportunities
IMBeR and IPO Host Opportunities
Administrative and Financial Assistant at the Ocean Frontier Institute and supporting the IMBeR IPO Canada, Halifax, NS, Canada. Apply by TOMORROW, 7 June
PhD: Resilience of Mediterranean low-lying coastal landscapes under climate change scenarios, Technological Centre of Catalonia (Eurecat), Barcelona, Spain. No deadline given;
apply now
2 PhD positions, Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography, Marseille, France. September start;
apply now
Postdoc/Senior Researcher: Ocean physics and biogeochemistry, Princeton University, Princeton NJ, USA. Open until filled;
apply now
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Postdoc Fellowships: Institute of Marine Research (IIM-CSIC), Spain.
Apply now
Earth Scientist: Berkeley Lab, CA, USA. Open until filled;
apply now
Program Officer: Ocean for Builders Initiative, San Diego, Chicago or Boston, USA. No deadline given;
apply now
PhD: What does the future hold for European shelf seas ecosystems? University of Exeter, UK. Apply by
9 June
Marine economist, National Oceanography Centre, UK. Apply by
12 June
PhD: Marine ecology, Nord University, Norway. Apply by
15 June
Postdoc, Research Assistant, and PhD: Assessing blue carbon ecosystems, NUIG, Ireland. Apply by
15 June
Lecturer: Marine Biology, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa Apply by
15 June
Dean, School of Ocean and earth Science and Technology, University of Hawai'i, USA. Apply by
21 June
Wave Modeler, NIWA, Hamilton, New Zealand. Apply by
26 June
Marine Conservation Fellows Program, REEF Campus, Key Largo, Florida, USA. Apply by
5 July
Senior Marine Population Dynamicist, CSIRO, Brisbane, Australia. Apply by
5 July
Funding opportunity: Integrated Approaches to Human Migration/Mobility in an Era of Rapid Global Change, Belmont Forum. Apply by
29 July
Seafood Industry Climate Award: Innovations to lower the C footprint of the seafood industry and increase the leadership role of women and minority communities. Apply by
10 August
Funding opportunity: Community-centred coastal research, St. Mary’s University, Halifax NS, Canada. Apply by
31 October
In case
you missed it...
Environmental Assessment/Referrals Coordinator Prince Rupert, BC, Canada. Open until filled;
apply no
Short-term contractual support to the SCAR Executive Director. No deadline given;
apply now
2022 NF-POGO-Eurofleets+ Shipboard Training onboard the DANA IBTS cruise. Apply by
9 June
PhD: Ichthyology, Nelson Mandela University, Port Elizabeth. Appl by
15 June
Associate Director, Alaska Sea Grant, Anchorage, Alaska, USA. Apply by
16 June
PhD: Ecotoxicology, FAOESO. Apply by
20 June
Scholarship: Exceptional call for SCOR project and working groups scholars. Apply by
15 July
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