Marine news, events, opportunities and more
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Announcements, interesting reads and more
IMBeR and IPO Host Announcements and Reminders
MEOPAR joins sponsors of new Arctic and northern Research Report
Reminder - Call for Papers: DSR-II Special Issue on IMBeR West Pacific Symposium. Submit by
26 May
nteresting read: We’re running out of phosphorus for farming. Whales and other wildlife could build it back up
First ever kelp restoration guidebook released
Interesting read: Climate simulations: recognize the ‘hot model’ problem
New paper: Reimagining Ocean Stewardship: Arts-Based Methods to ‘Hear’ and ‘See’ Indigenous and Local Knowledge in Ocean Management
Interesting read: Wild waves around Iceland
The Climate Game: Can you cut emissions to zero by 2050?
Interesting read: First-in-family scholars bust generational barriers
The Southern Ocean Action Plan
Useful professional development workbook for all graduate students, developed at the University of South Florida
Canadian Ocean Literacy: Stories from Stream2Sea
Brilliant high-res picture of the sun from the ESA’s Solar Orbiter
The ISC has launched a call to support at-risk displace and refugee scientists
Call for papers: Workshop on "The Gender-dimension of Plastics in the Arctic". Submit by
15 June
Call for papers: Assessing social change and ranking outcomes in support of ecosystem-based management. Submit by
18 July
Most clicked from the last IMBeR e-News!
Deadline extension 2022 Call for SCOR Working groups. Now due
14 May
Call for research projects: Effects of ocean alkalinity enhancement on marine ecosystems and organisms. Pre-applications by
15 May
Events and recordings
IMBeR and IPO Host Events
International Webinar Symposium on Impact of Large Reservoirs in River Basin on Downstream Freshwater Resources, Flood Disasters and Environment, online.
26-27 May
Abstracts due by
20 May
Call for bids to host Future Oceans 3 extended to
1 June
MEOPAR Marine Spatial Planning Workshop, Victoria, BC, Canada.
6-9 June
Ecosystem Studies of the Subarctic and Arctic Seas (ESSAS) Annual Science Meeting, Seattle, USA.
19-23 June
Register now
Ocean Decade Laboratory: An Accessible Ocean.
10-12 May
Co-designing the Decade for equitable outcomes,
11 May
Workshop: EU Marine Data Services for the All-Atlantic and Global Ocean Data Spaces, online.
11 May
Webinar: Tipping Towards Positive Social Change,
12 May
Blue Climate Summit, French Polynesia.
14-20 May
ChangeNOW, Paris, France and online,
19-21 May
Webinar: Applying Behavioral insights to Improve Marine Conservation,
17 May
Webinar: Marine Social Science Network Australia (MarSocSciAus) Winter Showcase,
27 May
Ocean Decade Laboratory: A Productive Ocean.
31 May-2 June
Training course: Ocean Colour Remote Sensing and Data Analysis for African Early Career Ocean Professionals, online.
2-21 June
Apply by 13 May
Ocean Observing Co-Design Workshop, online.
7-9 June
Register by
19 May
Regional Training Workshop on Observing the Coastal and Marginal Seas in the Western Indian Ocean, Maputo, Mozambique (hybrid).
7-9 June
Workshop: The state of ocean deoxygenation research in Canada, online.
20 June
4WSFC North America, St. John's, Canada.
20-22 June
Register by 10 June
Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress 2022, Pretoria, South Africa/hybrid.
20-24 June
Course in Ocean Governance for Africa 2022,
5-30 September
Apply by 15 May
International Statistical Ecology Conference, Cape Town, South Africa.
27 June- 1 July
7th Argo Science Workshop, Brussels, Belgium (hybrid).
October 2022
Abstracts due 31 May
International Conference on Copepoda, online.
25-29 July
Capelin Symposium, Bergen, Norway,
10-13 October
Abstract submission and ECS funding application deadline:
15 May
2nd Climate Observation Conference, Darmstadt, Germany,
17-19 October
Abstracts due 1 June
The Conservation Symposium 2022,
31 October-4 November
Abstracts for general session due 21 June
bstracts for special sessions due 5 July
Small Pelagic Fish: New Frontiers in Science for Sustainable Management, Lisbon, Portugal.
7-11 November
Early bird registration, abstracts submission deadline, financial support application deadline:
22 May
Indo-Pacific Fish conference and the Australian Society for Fish Biology, Auckland, New Zealand.
20-24 November
CommOCEAN Conference 2022, France,
30 November-1 December
Abstracts due 15 June
Don't forget...
African Conference on Priority Setting & Partnership Development for the Ocean Decade, Cairo, Egypt (hybrid),
10-12 May
4WSFC Asia-Pacific, Shizuoka City, Japan.
10-12 May
Marine | Urban | Development: Planning traditions and transitions on land and at sea, Breda University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands.
2-3 June
Webinar: The ONo Index: Detecting novel ocean conditions for MPA management,
9 June
BlueMedPLUS International Conference on the Accessibility of Underwater Cultural Heritage, Volos, Greece.
16 June
Southern African Marine Science Symposium, Durban, South Africa.
20-24 June
Registration open now. Early bird rates available until
5 June
International Conference on Copepoda, online.
25-29 July
Aquaculture Europe 2022: Innovative Solutions in a Changing World, Rimini, Italy,
27-30 September
Jobs and opportunities
PhD and postdoc: A multi-scale modelling approach for understanding time-and space-scales of variability within the western Indian Ocean, SAEON, University of Cape Town and University of Plymouth, Cape Town. Open until filled;
apply now
Postdoc/Senior Researcher: Global storm-resolving atmospheric modeling, Princeton University, New Jersey, USA. Open until filled;
apply now
Postdoc, Physical Oceanography, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Massachusetts, USA. No deadline given;
apply now
Multiple positions with Ocean Wise, BC and ON, Canada. Various deadlines; check them out now
Postdoc: Marine organisms response to multi-stressors, One Ocean Hub PDRA, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. Interviews begin
Marine Biogeochemical modeler, National Oceanography Centre, UK. Apply by
11 May
Future Earth Early Career Fellowship. Apply by
15 May
Postdoc: Climate modelling of the Arctic cryosphere, York University, Canada.
15 May
Project Officer, ERINN Innovation, Dublin, Ireland. Apply by
16 May
Senior Project Manager, WILDOCEANS, Durban or north coast of Kwa-Zulu-Natal. Apply by
16 May
Last chance: POGO-SCOR Visiting Fellowships 2022. Apply by
18 May
Postdoc: Microbial Oceanography, University of Hawaii, USA. Apply by
19 May
Postdoc: Ocean biology data processing and evaluation, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Centre, Baltimore, MD, USA. Apply by
20 May
International Projects Manager, ABALOBI, anywhere. Apply by
22 May
Three positions, AOOS, Anchorage, Alaska, USA. Apply by
25 May
Open call for Early-Career Session Co-Leads at the Ocean Best Practices Virtual Workshop VI, online. Apply by
31 May
Project Scientist: Ocean reporting, Mercator Ocean, France. Apply by
31 May
Lecturer/Associate Profession, Climate Science, University of South Hampton, England. Apply by
31 May
Two tenure-track faculty positions: Fisheries and ocean sciences University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska, USA. Apply by
31 May
Two PhD position: oceans and global climate change, DTU, Denmark. apply by 1 June
PhD: Future Earth. Climate Change and Societal Challenges, university of Bologna, Italy. Apply by 9 June
Multiple hires, Project Drawdown, anywhere within the USA. Apply by
13 June
Senior Scientist, The National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS), Silver Spring, M< USA. Apply by
17 June
PhD: Monitoring for alien species in MPAs, Centre for Invasion biology, Stellenbosch University, South Africa. Apply by
31 July
In case
you missed it...
PhD: Monitoring for alien species in MPAs, Stellenbosch University, South Africa. No deadline given;
apply now
Senior Laboratory Technician, Nature Metrics, Guildford, UK. No deadline given;
apply now
Manager - Ocean markets, World Wildlife Fund. No deadline given;
apply now
Marine Science Manager, GVI, Mahe, Seychelles. No deadline given;
apply now
Executive Director, Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) Association, Open until filled;
apply now
Quantitative research associate: climate-fisheries modeling, Gulf of Maine Research Institute, Portland, ME, USA. Apply by
9 May
Oceanographic Technicians: AANCHOR Technical Training Course, Seamester. Apply by
12 May
Project Scientist: Ocean reporting, Mercator Ocean International, France. Apply by
31 May
PhD: Developing meaningful marine biodiversity indicators to support conservation, University of Plymouth, UK. Apply by
1 October
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