It's 'Fall' Season...Are You Protected?
Cable Strength:
  • The top cable system must be capable of withstanding a force of 200 lbs. applied within 2 inches in any outward or downward direction.
  • The bottom cable system must be capable of withstanding a force of at least 150 lbs. applied in an outward or downward direction.
  • Each cable must have a minimum tensile strength of 500 lbs.

  • The wire rope shall be flagged at not more than 6-foot intervals with high-visibility material.

Cable Height:
  • Top cables must be at a height of 42” (+/-) 3 “ above the walking/working level.
  • Bottom cables must be at a height halfway between the top cable and the walking/working surface.
  • The top cable must not deflect any lower than 39” above the walking/working surface.

Cable Thickness:
  • Cables shall be at least ¼” nominal diameter or thickness to prevent cuts and lacerations

Securing The Cable Ends:
  • Must be secured using drop forged cable clamps/clips.
  • Clamps must be installed so that the saddle portion (not the U) is tightly pressed against the live side of the line.
  • “Never saddle a dead horse”
  • Ensure that the correct amount of cable clamps are being used based on clip size and wire rope size.
  • Ensure that the amount of rope to turn back is correct based on clip size, amount of clips, and wire rope size.

Pictured Above: Proper installation of a wire rope guardrail system with flagging every 6 feet.
For more information regarding OSHA’s Standard on Fall Protection Systems, please visit: 

For more information regarding Wire Rope Guardrail Systems that offer compliance with the Fall Protection Standard, please visit: