Volume #6| February 20th, 2023

Week 6: We're "ROOTING" for you!

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Happy Monday! We hope that you're taking care of yourself and doing well! IME is always rooting for you and is here whenever you need it.

For PDF versions of archived, visit the IME website or click this link.

What's Happening

Here's what's in this weeks IME Newsletter:

Black History Month

  • Celebrate Black History Month with a Beat! (Feb 23rd)
  • Black History Month Dance Party (Feb 24th)
  • Black History Month Movie Night (Feb 24th)


  • Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) Trainings
  • Self-Care for Social Justice Advocates Workshop (Feb 22nd)
  • GEM Wokeshop: Managing Mental Health (Feb 23rd)
  • Interested in Queer Music?
  • 2023 IME J.E.D.I. Awards Nominations
  • Women's History Month Suggestions
  • Asian & Pacific Islander (API) Month Planning Committee

Community Events

  • Gender Studies Symposium Community Meeting (Feb 21st)
  • Peer Collective Summit (Mar 10th & 11th)
  • Support Alternative Break Trip to Puerto Rico


  • BSU- Black Graduation (April 14th)


  • Call for Gender Studies Symposium Volunteers!
  • Volunteer at Black Future Farms
  • Career Connections with Alumni (March 5th)
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History Month

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BHM with a Beat RSVP

Celebrate Black History Month with a Beat

Thursday, February 23rd

@ 5:00pm -6:30pm

Location: Stamm

Join us in celebrating Black History Month (BHM) with a beat! This is an awesome opportunity to meet and mingle with alumni while also enjoying performances by prof. Alex Addy and our Cheer and Step team! We will provide pizza from a Black-owned business on a first come first serve bases.

Please let us know you're coming by filling out the RSVP

If you have any questions or want more information, email: amoralessantos@lclark.edu.

Black History Month Dance Party

Friday, February 24th


Location: Stamm (Templeton near Fields Dinning)

Celebrate Black History Month with BSU & IME by dancing to Black Artists & Music from the 90's and on. DJ-ed by Joseph Chuku.

Movie Night RSVP

Black History Month - Movie Night!

Friday, February 24th


Location: Grad Campus- South Chapel

The Graduate Students of Color Alliance (GSoCA) invites all LC students to join us for Black History Month Movie Night, Friday, February 24 at 5:30pm in the South Chapel. We'll have snacks, and celebrate in community! You're welcome to bring friends, partners, and family members.

Details are on the attached flyer and you can RSVP by clicking here. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. We'll see you there!

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 IME Events

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Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) Trainings

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Trainings

IME is offering two Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Trainings.

The first is on February 22nd, from 5:30-6:00, and covers Self-Care for Social Justice Advocates.

The second is on Oppression, Privilege, and Microaggressions, and happens on March 22nd from 5:30-6:30.

Both are open to everyone, and please RSVP as tea will be served at both.

Self-Care for Social Justice Advocates Workshop

Wednesday, February 22nd


Location: IME Suite

IME is hosting a Self-Care for Social Justice Advocates workshop on February 22nd at 5:30 in the IME Suite! We are serving tea and will be discussing ways to stay afloat in the face of the challenges of the system. All are welcome to attend!

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Self-Care for Social Justice Advocates Workshop RSVP

1st Spring 2023 GEM Wokeshop: Managing Mental Health

Thursday, February 23rd


Location: IME Suite (3rd Floor Templeton)

Come join the IME and GEM community in this workshop to learn how to take care of yourself and prepare for the upcoming midterm season. This "wokeshop" will take place in the IME suite on Thursday, February 23rd at 4:30 pm

Managing Mental Health RSVP


IME and the Music Department are considering hosting a Queer Electronica, which would be a showcase of queer students' and local artists' works of electronic music. If you are interested in attending, showcasing, or planning please fill out the following form.

Queer Electronica Interest Form

2023 IME J.E.D.I. Award Nominations

The Inclusion and Multicultural Engagement (IME) office is excited to begin receiving nominations for our Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion (J.E.D.I.) Awards, which are given to CAS students, staff, and faculty who have demonstrated a high level of commitment towards J.E.D.I. in their work, school projects and day-to-day actions.

Much of the work done around justice, equity, diversity and inclusion are sometimes unseen and sometimes difficult to quantify. Therefore, it is important to take a moment and reflect on the contributions made by our community members, no matter how big or small, seen or unseen. With your nomination, we are able to recognize and celebrate the amazing work done by community members.

J.E.D.I. Awards Nomination Form

Women's History Month is Coming Up!!!

Help IME brainstorm ideas and possibly plan events for Women's History Month (March 1st-March 31st) that will help teach and celebrate the important women and femmes of our lives and world.

Interest/Events Suggestion Form

Asian Pacific Islander (API) Month Planning Committee

The Inclusion & Multicultural Engagement (IME) office is looking for Asian/Asian American/Pacific Islander/Desi self-identifying students, faculty, staff, and allies alike to join the API Peoples' Heritage Month Planning Committee.

This committee is tasked to celebrate and honor API Heritage Month through the months of April and May with special programming and events.

API Planning Committee Interest Form
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Gender Studies Symposium Community Meetings

Attend the Gender Studies Symposium community meetings and help play a vital role in making the symposium happen! Learn more about this exciting event and help us plan! 

Our meeting dates are: February 21 and February 28. 

All meetings are from 3:30 to 4:30 in Miller 414. Snacks will be provided!

Save the Date - March 10 & 11: Peer Collective Summit

Calling all leaders! Whether you are a current leader, an aspiring leader, or an emerging leader; we are excited to invite YOU to this year's Peer Collective Summit!

This year's theme centers around belonging, wellness, and leadership. To learn more and join us, complete this registration form. Register by March 1st at 8am is appreciated! We will be offering meals throughout the summit, awesome raffle prizes, and cool swag! Don't miss out on this once-a-year event!

- Friday, March 10th from 6:00pm to 8:00pm - Opening Reception (The event will be at the Cooley House with President Robin Holmes-Sullivan) - transportation will be provided at 5:30pm.

- Saturday, March 11th from 9:00am to 5:00pm - Summit (Templeton)

Questions? Concerns? Please let us know via email: andreasalyer@lclark.edu.

Peer Collective Summit Registration Form

Support Students on the Alternative Spring Break Trip to Puerto Rico!

The Center for Social Change and Community Involvement is hosting a GiveCampus fundraiser for the Alternative Spring Break Trip to Puerto Rico to support volunteer projects focused on conservation and community resilience as guided by community partners. Donations of any amount will help support this program and help make other future programs possible and accessible for other students. Use this link to donate and check out our participant's packet to meet the students attending the trip and visit our website here to learn more about our program. Thank you in advance and email altbreaks@lclark.edu if you have any questions.

View Alternative Spring Break Participants
Give Campus Link
Link to Website
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BSU - Black Graduation

Friday, April 14th


Location: TBA

Get ready for Black Graduation! Black Graduation is a day where IME and BSU celebrate Black-Identifying Seniors and all their accomplishments at Lewis & Clark.

Please note: we would like to reserve this space for Black-Identifying Students, Staff, Faculty & Community Members.

Last Day to RSVP is March 31st, 2023.

Senior RSVP
Non-Graduate RSVP
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Call for Gender Studies Symposium Volunteers!

We are now looking for volunteers to help with the Gender Studies Symposium! Please check out the link to the Volunteer Spreadsheet for this year’s symposium. The spreadsheet is open to all L&C students, faculty, and staff.

You are not able to edit the sheet directly, but you can sign up by adding a comment to any activity/shift you want to do. Use the tabs at the bottom of the sheet to navigate through the different volunteer options.

Below is a short description of each volunteer opportunity.


Hang posters on campus from Feb. 24-28. For this activity, please comment your name next to your preferred choice of location(s) to hang posters.

JRHH Publicity Table:

Distribute info and answer questions at our publicity table on Mon., March 6 and Tues., March 7. Please comment your name and phone number in the slot for your preferred shift. You’ll need to stay until the next volunteer arrives, so be mindful of any schedule conflicts.

Event Support During the Symposium:

Serve as a door monitor at different events. This entails enforcing masking at some events and monitoring audience capacity as needed. Please comment with your name and phone number on your preferred sessions per day.

More detailed instructions will be sent to all volunteers.

Please get in touch with any questions. Thanks for your involvement!

Gender Studies Symposium Volunteer Sign-up

This Spring! Volunteer at Black Future Farms!

Black Future Farms has partnered with Bon Appetit and now is partnering with the Center for Social Change and Community Involvement and Black Student Union to seek black-identifying students willing to participate in bi-weekly volunteer service this spring semester! Come be in community with other LC students and the greater Portland community by clicking the link below.

Learn more via video
Volunteer Sign-up

Career Connections with Alumni March 5, 2023

Career Connections with Alumni connects current students with alumni who will offer advice regarding careers, internships, and degree-applicable endeavors. Alumni who have experience in organizations such as Nike, Intel, IBM, Portland Public Schools, Altra Industrial Motion, and OHSU, are scheduled to attend.

At this event, alumni will be seated by career field or industry and students will have a chance to ask career-related questions. This is a great opportunity to learn more about a career field and practice your communication and networking skills. It is informal and fun! Lunch will be provided and students attendees will be entered into a drawing for four 20 flex-point bundles.

This event is made possible by the Student Alumni Association, The Career Center and Alumni and Parent Engagement.

Career Connections Registiration

IME Connected Program

Attend cross campus events to connect with your community through this program!

List of Events

Our door is always open!

If you want to meet with us or need a place to study, come to the IME Office on the 3rd floor of Templeton.

Interested in submitting something to be added to the

IME Newsletter?

We know advertising is important for your clubs, organizations, and offices. The IME office loves to help spread the word of awesome events and opportunities. If you would like to submit something to be added to the IME newsletter, please fill out the form below. The IME newsletter goes out every Monday afternoon (or Tuesday if Monday is a holiday). All submissions to make it into the weekly newsletter must be done by Monday morning at 8 am or they will be added to the following week's newsletter.

Newsletter Submission

Stay Connected with IME
