Volume #14|April 24th, 2023

Week 14: It's been a good year!

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As this will be the last newsletter for the year, we would like to thank you all for coming to events, spending time with us in the IME suite, and just being a part of the community! We wish you well on finals and hope you have a great summer!

For PDF versions of archived, visit the IME website or click this link.

What's Happening

Here's what's in this weeks IME Newsletter:


  • The Let Out- Paint & Self Care (April 27th)
  • Study with Cheer & Step (April 28th)
  • Senior Cap Decorating Event! (April 28th)
  • Get Ready: Hispanic Heritage Planning Committee AND MORE

Spiritual Life

  • All invited to Memorial Planting Event (April, 29th)
  • Outdoor Labyrinth Walk (April 27th)


  • New Asian Studies Class
  • Help Watzek Library welcome the class of 2027!
  • Recruiting for On-Campus Summer Job
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IME Events

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The Let Out - Paint and Self Care

Thursday, April 27th

@5:30pm - 6:30pm

Location: IME Suite (3rd Floor Fowler)

Special Event sponsored by The Let Out: Painting & Self Care

Come in and wind down before finals! Relax, paint, and socialize

Food and art supplies provided

Study with Cheer & Step

Friday, April 28th


Location: Templeton 238

Come join the Cheer & Step Team for a study session or a quick break from finals with make your own yogurt, fruits, popcorn, and other snacks! ALL ARE WELCOME. Follow us on instagram: @lc.cheerandstep

Senior Cap Decorating Event!

Friday, April 28th


Location: IME Suite (3rd Floor Fowler)

Calling graduates! Come decorate your senior cap with IME on Friday, April 28th from 3-5pm in the IME suite (3rd floor of Fowler/Templeton by the spiral staircase). Supplies will be available but feel free to bring any special items to decorate your cap with!

Stay for our final GEM Gathering as we conclude the year with some food (5-6pm).

Get Ready: Hispanic Heritage Month Planning Committee AND MORE

Want to help us celebrate all the various identities and cultures?! Join a Heritage Month Planning Committee for next academic year! Using the link below, you can select any/all the heritage or history months you'd like to help plan. An IME staff will reach out to you with more information. Meeting times will be based on the availability of those who are interested!

Hispanic Heritage Month is Sept 15th to October 15th so we're calling upon you to see if you'd like to be involved this summer and early Fall to support this month of celebration.

Questions?! Email IME! multicultural@lclark.edu

Heritage Month Planning Committee Interest Form
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Spiritual Life

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All invited to Memorial Planting event- this Sat. April 29

Saturday, April 29th

This Sat. April 29, remember someone who has died by planting a flower in their memory. All students and employees of Lewis & Clark are welcome to participate. Spiritual Life, with assistance from the Garden Club, has cleared a space under the persimmon tree in the Community Garden for honoring loved ones at this memorial event. The Community Garden is near Juniper Residence Hall.

This will be an “open house” time for people to come between 2 and 3:30pm to plant. Come at any time in that window. Tools and flowers will be available.

Kindly RSVP on the Spiritual Life events webpage or email hmhiman@lclark.edu before Thursday, April 27th at 5pm so we have enough flowers on hand, though there will be extras. 

Hilary Martin Himan, Director of Spiritual Life and chaplain to all (spiritual, secular, and religious,) will be on hand to provide assistance with the plants and will be available for spiritual support if requested. 

This event will occur rain or shine.

More Info about Memorial Planting

Outdoor Labyrinth Walk- this Thursday

Thursday, April 27th


Location: Outside main entrance of Copeland

Come walk the labyrinth! Try out this ancient meditative walking practice used in multiple cultures on Thursday, April 27 between 3:30-5pm.

The canvas labyrinth will be located outside the main entrance to Copeland. This is a joint activity of the Holistic Living Learning Community and Spiritual Life.

Please remove shoes or wear “booties” over your shoes to keep the labyrinth in clean condition.

Many find the walking of the labyrinth, which is *not* a maze intended to confuse and confound, to be a relaxing and often insight producing meditative practice. One enters and leaves the labyrinth in the same spot, journeying to eventually arrive at the center.

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New Asian Studies Class

A new Korean Scholar is coming in as a post-doc for the next couple of years teaching a number of Korea/East Asia focussed classes, and one of the classes include Contemporary Korean Culture beginning Fall 23. Contemporary Korean Culture (AS 251) will navigate old and new Korean concepts of affect, emotion, and sociality through contemporary Korean media.

More Information

Help Watzek Library welcome the class of 2027!

Help us design banners to welcome new students to campus this fall! We need your words, illustrations, or some combination thereof. What would you want to share with someone new to LC and making their way? Or what do you wish someone had said (or drawn) for you in your first days and weeks? Banner dimensions are 16 x 66 inches. Send your design to librarian@lclark.edu by May 26th. The selected entry will receive $200 and your design will become part of our campus community this fall.

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Recruiting for On-Campus Summer Job

Join the Donor Engagement Office this summer for a short summer job! See below for a brief position description. Email Joann (joannz@lclark.edu) for the longer description or Elizabeth Struchen (estruchen@lclark.edu) if you're interested! Orientation is this Wednesday!


Reunion Assistants: Giving will serve on a team of 3-4 students assisting the Office of Annual Giving with reunion gift solicitation during Alumni Weekend on June 22-25, 2023.


Solicit class gifts at check-in.

Welcome, check-in, and assist alumni as they arrive on campus.

Keep precise records of gifts and donor information.

Other duties as assigned.

IME Connected Program

Attend cross campus events to connect with your community through this program!

List of Events

Our door is always open!

If you want to meet with us or need a place to study, come to the IME Office on the 3rd floor of Templeton.

Interested in submitting something to be added to the

IME Newsletter?

We know advertising is important for your clubs, organizations, and offices. The IME office loves to help spread the word of awesome events and opportunities. If you would like to submit something to be added to the IME newsletter, please fill out the form below. The IME newsletter goes out every Monday afternoon (or Tuesday if Monday is a holiday). All submissions to make it into the weekly newsletter must be done by Monday morning at 12pm or they will be added to the following week's newsletter.

Newsletter Submission

Stay Connected with IME
