Interdisciplinary Marine Early Career Network Newsletter
March 2021
Welcome to the sixth issue of the Interdisciplinary Marine Early Career Network (IMECaN) newsletter!

If you are interested in providing ideas, contributing a story or being featured in the newsletter, contact us at [email protected] or @IMECAN4.

In this newsletter:
  • New articles in our ECR special issue
  • IMECaN on Researchgate
  • Upcoming events and opportunities
New articles in our ECR special issue
We have been editing a special issue in Frontiers in Marine Science dedicated to showcasing the important work early career researchers are doing around the world. The special issue is called “Solving Complex Ocean Challenges Through Interdisciplinary Research: Advances from Early Career Marine Scientists”. So far 31 manuscripts have been published, totaling 172 authors! You can see the full issue online here - already we have had over 100,000 views.

Two articles in particular present interesting perspectives for early career researchers (ECRs) that we highlight here. The first perspective by Consentino and Souviron-Priego (2021) highlights the growing expectation for ECRs to have an increasingly diverse set of skills across multiple domains. They argue that this is an impossible task with consequences for ECR mental health and scientific productivity. The authors’ solution is to collaborate more broadly so that ECRs can draw on the experience and skill set of other researchers. In doing so, the scientific community will inherently value diversity as its strength. The second perspective piece by Pardo et al., (2020) considers how the pandemic has impacted graduate marine researchers. They have a great summary figure (below) that outlines the challenges, solutions, and opportunities across multiple facets of ECR life.
Figure 1 from Pardo et al. (2020) showing the challenges, solutions, and opportunities for graduate researchers in marine science.
Follow IMECaN members on Researchgate
Networking opportunities for early career researchers have been lacking during the pandemic. To help with this, we have created an IMECaN project on researchgate! You can use this platform to follow IMECaN members and see what research your peers are doing, as well as share your own work. This is a great way to discover relevant science, find interdisciplinary researchers for collaboration, and to start building your online presence.

Type ‘IMECaN’ into the search bar to find our page and follow us:
You can then follow other project followers:
Upcoming events and other opportunities

Share job opportunities with us by sending an e-mail to [email protected] or tweeting @IMECaN4