Interdisciplinary Marine Early Career Network Newsletter
September 2022
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Welcome to the latest Interdisciplinary Marine Early Career Network (IMECaN) newsletter issue.
If you are interested in providing ideas, contributing a story, or being featured in the newsletter, please contact us at or @IMECaN4.
In this newsletter:
- Call for IMECaN workshop at 5TH CSD Annual Conference on Sustainable Development, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 13-16 October 2022
- IMECaN weekly Twitter poll results.
- ICES PICES Early Career Scientist Conference.
- Podcast Recommendations
- Interesting readings
- Upcoming events (conferences, workshops, and symposiums)
- Job and career development opportunities
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Call for IMECaN workshop: Fostering Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion into interdisciplinary marine research. | |
IMECaN is organizing the workshop Fostering Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion into interdisciplinary marine research during the 5th CSD Annual Conference on Sustainable Development: Unpacking Sustainability, Resilience, and Equity, Dhaka, Bangladesh, between 13-16 October 2022. As ECRs are increasingly expected to work across various disciplines, and to have skills in several domains, to navigate ocean sustainability challenges.
ECRs are well placed to innovate and champion new approaches to addressing critical research priorities. This workshop will focus on the following issues: (1) Do Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) issues affect ECR participation in interdisciplinarity? (2) How interdisciplinary marine research is conceptualized, organized, and implemented across regions and cultures? (3) How can DEI issues be better considered in research practices? This workshop will provide input for IMECaN’s strategic planning for 2022/2023.
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IMECaN weekly Twitter poll | |
IMECaN launched an initiative to hear from our members in the Twitterverse (@IMECaN4) to better prepare for the future and meet Early Career Researchers' needs. We were intrigued about: 1) What IMECaN events would you like to see? 2) What type of skills would you like to train? 3) Which format of event or training would suit your needs?
As a result, networking events and transferable skills in a hybrid format were preferred and equally supported in the polls (both received 33.3% of the votes). More specifically, those interested in transferable skills training were primarily eager to acquire skills in leadership (both in groups and projects; 46.7% of the votes) through topic-specific workshops (81.3% of the votes). On the other hand, those intrigued by networking events were mainly interested in building strong scientific collaborations within ECRs and with senior academics (53.3% of the votes) through small ECRs groups (50% of the votes).
We appreciate your participation in the polls. Now it’s our turn to work towards future events guided by your preferences.
Thanks to all the IMECaN community!
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ICES PICES Early Career Scientist Conference | |
After two years of virtual meetings, the scientific community is starting to meet in person, and the Fourth ICES PICES Early Career Scientist Conference was, for some, the perfect (re)start. Organized by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) and the North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) in partnership with Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), the conference provided a platform for Early Career Scientists (ECS) to recover their presenting and social skills. Despite the logistical setbacks of international flying brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, visa complications, delays, and rejections the Canadian government imposed on many internationals, the conference brought over 100 participants from over 20 countries to St. John's, Newfoundland.
Motivated by the conference theme, Ocean sciences for the future we want, ECS demonstrated the important role they have in supporting the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. For four days, participants presented, discussed, and networked around three main themes: i) ecosystem and oceans processes, ii) emerging technologies, and iii) techniques for ocean science and inclusive, interdisciplinary, and transparent ocean sciences. In addition to the rich program, the conference held integrative parallel sessions. The Early Career Ocean Professionals Canada (ECOP Canada) organized a workshop where participants identified the necessary actions to achieve the ocean we want. Networking was at the center of the event. Off the start, The Marine Environmental Observation, Prediction, and Response Network (MEOPAR) organized a Network Night where participants got to ask panelists about navigating the scientific world as an ERS while breaking the iceberg (pun intended!) over bingo, canapes, and soft drinks. During the four days, participants had several opportunities to network and exchange ideas and experiences.
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Nature Careers Podcast, Science in Africa series. Early career researchers in Africa are starting to reap the benefits of increased investment in science and growth in research collaborations and partnerships, says Ifeyinwa Aniebo, a molecular geneticist who researches malaria drug resistance in Nigeria. But the continent’s scientific growth could accelerate even faster if more domestic funding was available to support African scientists. She adds that this, alongside better infrastructure and a stronger commitment to getting more women into scientific careers, would help prevent future brain drains. This podcast series talks about science's past, present, and future in the vast African continent. |
Upcoming events
(conferences, workshops, and symposiums)
Symposium on Advances in Marine Mussel Research (AMMR2022) 21-23 Nov 2022 - Registration closes on Sep 9, 2022
PICES-2023 Annual Meeting - Section/workshop submission deadline Sept 10, 2022
MEOPAR Personalized Career Coaching. Info session: Sept 13, 2022. Applications are due on Sept 26, 2022.
Art-Science Workshop - Application due on Sept 14, 2022
International Networking Connector “Looking to grow your network and connect with researchers and ocean professionals worldwide? Join MEOPAR, IMBeR, and OFI for a virtual International Networking Connector on Thursday, September 22, 2022 - Registration is open.
PICES-2022 Annual Meeting Sustainability of Marine Ecosystems through global knowledge networks during the UN Decade of Ocean Science Sept 23–Oct 2, 2022. Busan, Korea - Abstract submissions closed; registrations remain open.
41st International Sea Turtle Symposium (ISTS41), Cartagena, Colombia, 18-24th March 2023. Abstract submissions are due on Oct 1, 2022.
5th CSD Annual Conference on Sustainable Development, Dhaka, Bangladesh, between 13-16 October 2022.
5th International Symposium on Effects of Climate Change on the World’s Oceans, April 17-21, 2023, Bergen, Norway - Registration closes on Nov 1, 2022.
SPF-2022 International Symposium Small Pelagic Fish: New Frontiers in Science and Sustainable Management Lisbon, Portugal Nov 7–11, 2022 - Abstract submissions closed; registrations remain open.
Species on the move conference, 15-19 May 2023, Everglades National Park, Florida, USA - Registration Coming Soon.
YOUMARES 13 Future Oceans - Science for resilient marine ecosystems, 11-14 October 2022, Hybrid conference (virtual and Berlin, Germany). More info and tickets at the webpage.
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Job and career development opportunities | |
Postdoctoral Researcher in Biogeography, Macroecology, or Aquatic Ecology - Application deadline Sept 9, 2022.
Postdoc positions at the University of Helsinki, Finland: two positions in community ecology, two in biodiversity science and community ecology - Application deadline Sept 11, 2022.
Ph.D. Student Positions in Sustainability Science at Stockholm University - Closing date Sept 12, 2022.
Assistant professor in blue governance Aalborg Universitet, Denmark - Application deadline Sept 15, 2022.
Three-year postdoctoral opportunity in Marine Plastic Debris at the University of Western Australia and the Australian Insitute of Marine Science (AIMS) - Deadline 15th September.
Postdoctoral Researcher in Marine Social-Ecological Systems Smithsonian MarineGEO - Application deadline Sept 16, 2022.
Harvard Radcliffe Fellowship Application - deadline September 8, 2022, and September 29, 2022
EuroMarine 2022 Call for Proposals for Long Term Scientific Working Groups - Application deadline Oct 14, 2022.
Ph.D. position for "A Line in the Ocean, 30 by 30: Ocean Borders and Carceral Limits" at HIFMB Governance Group in Oldenburg, Germany - Deadline 22nd September.
Ph.D. in social factors influencing recreational fishing behavior - Application review begins Oct 2022.
Two-year postdoctoral position in the Ocean Infrastructure Group, Department of Political Science at the University of Copenhagen - Deadline 1st October.
Temporary Teaching Positions, Bren School of Environmental Science & Management - Application deadline Nov 1, 2022.
‘LIBER-ERO’ Postdoctoral Fellowship - Application deadline Nov 1, 2022
Undergraduate, Master, Ph.D., and Postdoctoral opportunities at the Quantitative Marine Ecology Lab, University of New Hampshire, USA - Applications are open.
Masters opportunity in Geochemical Oceanography at Coastal Carolina University - Applications are open.
Postdoctoral opportunities in coral reef oceanography and ecology at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology - Applications are open until the position is filled.
Undergraduate, Master, Ph.D., and Postdoctoral opportunities in Biology and Marine Biology at Ramirez Lab, University of North Carolina Wilmington - - Applications are open for Fall 2023.
Undergraduate, Master, Ph.D., and Postdoctoral opportunities in Applied Math and Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences at Freilich Lab, Brown University, USA - Applications are open for Fall 2023.
Three-year postdoctoral opportunity in Marine Robotics and Remote Sensing at Duke University, Marine Lab - Applications are open.
Assistant Professor Of Biological Sciences (Marine Biologist). Application open until filled.
Lecturer positions in marine and fisheries science, Bangor University, UK - Application open.
Research Technician II Unoccupied Aircraft Systems Pilot and Geospatial Analyst at Duke University, USA - Application open.
Implementation Social Scientist for The Nature Conservancy - Application open, flexible location.
Postdoctoral positions for projects in sharks and rays tissues at the City University of Hong Kong, looking for interdisciplinary candidates! - More info here
Share job opportunities with us by sending an e-mail to or tweeting @IMECaN4
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