March 2022
File Your 2018 Triennial Mercury-added Product Notifications Now
We realize that 2018 Mercury-Added Product Triennial Notifications were previously held up due to system updates. That said, the deadline for companies to file their 2018 Triennial Notifications was September 24, 2021.  Many mercury-added product notifiers have submitted their forms; however, some have not and are considered to be out-of-compliance. Failure to comply with the requirements may result in non-notifiers being referred to the states for enforcement. 
To ensure continued compliance, companies should file their 2018 Triennial Notification forms through the IMERC e-filing system as soon as possible.
Guidance on filing online, including a recording from the latest online demonstration, are available on our website
Notification through the e-filing system enables companies to comply with the Mercury-added Product Notification and Labeling requirements of Connecticut, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota (labeling only), New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington (labeling only). Reporting is required for any company that sold or distributed mercury-added products into the states listed above during calendar year 2018.
Note: Due to the large number of submissions expected during this reporting period, it may take the states several months to review and approve your company's report.
Report 2021 Triennial Mercury-added Product Notifications Soon
Companies can begin to file their 2021 Mercury-Added Product Triennial Notification Forms through the IMERC e-filing system once their 2018 Notification has been approved. Reporting for 2021 is required for any company that sold or distributed mercury-added products into the IMERC States listed above during calendar year 2021.
The reporting window for 2021 Notifications is April 1 through July 1, 2022.

Note: Companies must have an approved 2018 Triennial Notification in order to submit their 2021 Triennial Notification. If you have not yet received approval of your 2018 Notification, please wait to submit your 2021 Notification.
Update Company Contact Information
IMERC Alert shares critical information with manufacturers, distributors, and importers of mercury-added products and trade organizations that represent those companies on IMERC members' regulatory requirements concerning mercury-added products.

If you need to update or add additional company contacts, contact IMERC staff at [email protected] or (617) 367-8558.