by Jennifer Eivaz
The Holy Spirit will manifest His glory to us like fire.  We read in the Bible how fire was often a symbol for the presence of God. Remember the Israelites were led out of Egypt with a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. There have been many testimonies throughout history of people seeing fire on or around the buildings where anointed services were being held.  Tommy Welchel, one of the last remaining persons to have physically attended the Azusa Street Revival, described meetings where there was a spiritual fire seen coming up from the floor and fire coming down through the ceiling.  “This is when the miracles would happen,” he said.

When I ministered at a prayer conference in Chicago a man communicated to his wife that he was seeing flames on top of the building and did not understand why. That was also the night that we experienced a powerful angelic invasion.

The Bible characterizes God in both the Old and New Testaments as a “consuming fire.” He is a consuming fire, the Bible says, because He is a jealous God and will not share His glory with worthless idols.  He is perfectly jealous for our hearts in this regard because our hearts rightfully belong to Him.  When His glory fire comes, it comes to consume whatever stands in the way of your wholehearted devotion toward Him.

Gods glory fire can also fall from heaven to either consume or ignite something or someone.  Being baptized with fire, means to be fully immersed in, saturated with, and consumed by His fire.  When the fire of His glory falls upon you, He is making a point with your life.  Your life has been made a sacrifice unto Him, and you are to live from that moment on ignited as a carrier of glory fire.

Glory carriers must be purified continuously with His fire.  Transformation is ongoing.  It is not a one-time encounter and immersion in the fire of His glory, but many encounters.  We are made to carry His glory fire, and we were made for holiness, only we cannot do either on our own.  It is the outflow of an intimate heart relationship with the Holy Spirit, the Source of all holiness, as we share our lives with Him.

Prayer: Holy Spirit, come and fan the flame of my heart with Your Holiness and all-consuming fire, baptize me in Your Glory and set me ablaze for You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Scriptures: Exodus 40:35, Hebrews 12:29, Matthew 3:11, Isaiah 6:4-7
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“... he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.” 
2 Cor. 9:6
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Harvest Church
September 18, 2022 9, 10, 11am
Harvest Church Turlock CA 

🇸🇪Holy Spirit Night & School of the Supernatural
September 9-10, 2022 
Gothenburg Sweden

October 20-22, 2022 
Katie Souza, Tony Kim, and Jennifer Eivaz

October 28-29, 2022
Gilead Healing Center, Lansing Michigan

🇦🇺Seers & Dreamers Gathering
with Jennifer Eivaz
Sydney, Australia

Coming up:
November 5, 6 Garden Grove CA
January 2023 Prophetic Conference, Las Vegas NV
March 2023 Glory Night, Harvest Church Hatch Road Campus
October 2023 Women's Conference, Encourager Church, Houston TX
June/July 2023 Brisbane AUS