January 2019 | Legislative Advocacy
New 2019 Employment Laws
As a new year begins, new legislation and employment laws take effect. As a business owner, it is important to remain updated on any changes that could impact your business.

The 2018 legislative session brought many changes in terms of sexual harassment law, lactation accommodations, Board of Directors requirements, and more. For more information, click here.
Sexual Harassment Training:
All employers with five or more employees will be required to provide two hours of sexual harassment prevention training to supervisors and one hour to non-supervisorial employees and within six months of hire or promotion, and every two years after that (by January 1, 2020).

Minimum Wage and Salary Requirements:
As of January 1, 2019, the minimum wage for employers with 25 employees or less is $11/hour and for employers with 26 or more employees is $12/hour. As of January 1, 2019, the new salary minimum for the state of California for businesses under 26 employees is $45,760; for businesses with 26 or more employees, the minimum salary is $49, 920.

Plastic Straws in Restaurants:
Full service restaurants are prohibited from handing out single-use plastic straws to customers unless they specifically request one; fast food restaurants are exempt.
Lactation Accommodations:
As of January 1, 2019, an employer must provide a reasonable lactation space other than a bathroom for its employees; an employer may be able to utilize a temporary space, so long as it meets the specifications of the new mandate.
Gender Representation on Boards of Directors:
Publicly held corporations with principal executive offices in California will be required to place at least one female director on its board by December 31, 2019.
Governor Newsom Announces His 2019 Budget
Governor Newsom announced his 2019 budget priorities in his inaugural address earlier this month.

As Governor, he wishes to achieve a "California For All" vision, including affordable housing for all, guaranteed health care for all, fair pay for working people, support for small businesses, and justice for all. His vision focuses on including everyone and working together to achieve these goals. He vowed to partner with everyone, including all levels and agencies of government to best serve the needs of all in the state.

Governor Newsom defined the California Dream as being "for everyone... not to get rich quick or star on the big screen, but to work hard and share in the rewards. To leave a better future for our kids."

To read more about his budget, click here .
Learn About New Laws at the February Connections Luncheon!
Interested to know what labor law changes might impact your business in 2019? Karen Gabler of LightGabler will be giving an update on any new laws and regulations that business owners need to be aware of.

The February Connections Luncheon will take place on February 19, 2019 at The Junkyard Cafe at 11:30 AM.

This event will feature Karen's presentation, as well as give Chamber members an opportunity for a 30-second commercial to promote their business.

$18/advance or $20/door for Chamber members. $25/non-members. To RSVP, sign up here or call 805.526.3900.
Simi Valley Chamber Legislative Advocacy Forum
The Simi Valley Chamber Legislative Advocacy Forum (LAF) meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month to discuss current legislation and its impact on businesses. Staff from the state legislature, U.S. Congress, County of Ventura, and the City of Simi Valley attend these meetings.
The next Legislative Advocacy Forum (LAF) meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 23rd at 8:00 AM.
Simi Valley Chamber of Commerce | 805-526-3900 | [email protected] | simichamber.org