Welcome new partners!

Partners in health

IMPACT Connect would like to give a heartfelt welcome to MHS Health Wisconsin and Chorus Community Health Plans. Our community information exchange grows stronger everyday thanks to the support and partnership of such important agencies in southeastern Wisconsin.

Intoxicated Driver Program provider network

Milwaukee's Intoxicated Driver Program provider network has joined IMPACT Connect. It is the first care network of its kind to integrate with our community information exchange and we would like to thank the following providers who are committed to its success:

  • Alternatives in Psychological Consultation, S.C.
  • American Behavioral Health
  • AMRI Counseling Services
  • Benedict Center
  • 4th Dimension Sobriety
  • Gateway to Change
  • Guest House
  • Meta House
  • Mental Health Associates, WI
  • Mindstar Counseling
  • Positive Outlook
  • The Power of Change, LLC
  • Renew Counseling Services
  • Vivent Health
  • United Community Center
  • Wisconsin Community Services

These agencies' capabilities extend beyond Intoxicated Driver Program services and we are fortunate to have a robust mental health network up and running as it positions IMPACT Connect to support the mental health goals that Governor Evers is prioritizing! These partners helped establish the model which we will utilize going forward to onboard entire care networks. Thank you for helping us to keep service to the community at the center of this community information exchange!

On deck

We are working to onboard the Rental Housing Resource Center network, as well as Employ Milwaukee and their referral partners. We look forward to sharing updates as these networks progress!

Learn about the benefits of partnership

The next IMPACT Connect information session is Wednesday, March 22nd from 1-2pm. Please register to attend.

REGISTER - Information Session

Learning Lab: Using the platform's MY NETWORK tab

A new feature of IMPACT Connect, monthly Learning Labs will provide a deep dive into a specific area to facilitate understanding and utilization. Join us Thursday, March 9th from 1-2pm.

REGISTER - Learning Lab

For more information:

email [email protected]

visit impactconnectwi.org