Dear Parents,

We hope your family is enjoying the end of summer break! Please take some time to learn about our 2022-2023 arrival & dismissal procedures:

1. Students may arrive at St. Anne-Pacelli Catholic School as early as 7:30 a.m. There will not be supervision available prior to 7:30 a.m. Our official school start time for students in PK3-12th grades is 8 a.m.
2. Morning carline drop-off operates on Kay Circle, Trinity Drive and in our high school parking lot. See Maps!
  • Parents will be responsible for unbuckling students who can't unbuckle themselves. Please do not get out of your vehicle to do this.
  • Families with PK3 students and PK3 students with older siblings should drop off their children by entering the Kay Circle parking lot and turning right at the high school parking lot one-way access street that runs alongside St. Anne Church (located just before you reach the main school office). Faculty and staff will be present under the porte-cochère that connects our school to St. Anne Church. 
  • Families with students in grades PK4-5th and grades 6-8 with siblings in grades PK4-5th will use our Kay Circle carline. Families with high school students who don't drive and have siblings in grades PK4-8th will also use our Kay Circle carline.
  • Kay Circle Carline: Travel south on Box Road and turn left onto Kay Circle. You will then turn right into the school/church parking lot. Please follow directions provided by our faculty and staff once entering the parking lot. You will exit our campus by turning right out of the parking lot onto Kay Circle and left onto Trinity Drive.
  • Families with students in grades 6-8 who don't have siblings will use our Trinity Drive carline.
  • Trinity Drive Carline: To access our Trinity Drive entrance, travel north on Sheffield Drive, turn left on Trinity Drive (a one-way street), and take the first left into our parking lot. There will be one line. Please follow directions provided by our faculty and staff once entering the parking lot. You will exit our campus by turning right out of the parking lot onto Sheffield Drive. You may then choose to turn right or left on Woodland Drive.
  • High school students without siblings in the Lower and Middle School may enter and leave the high school parking lot via our campus' Box Road entrance near St. Anne Community Outreach, located at 1820 Box Road, or via our high school parking lot entrance along Sheffield Drive. 
  • High school drivers will use the same entrance noted above. 
  • Those high school students who drive their younger siblings to school will use the same entrance and escort their younger siblings to their homeroom/1st period class.
  • Parents must use carline for arrival; they may not walk students inside.

St. Anne-Pacelli Catholic School students in PK4-12th grades may purchase breakfast from SLA Management. Breakfast will be served from 7:30 until 7:50 a.m. in the Lower School Cafeteria each day and will cost $2.00 (includes water or milk). Students wishing to purchase breakfast should report to the Lower School Cafeteria after arriving on campus. PK3 students may opt to bring breakfast from home.

All PK3-8th grade parents will be using our digital platform called Pikmykid for dismissal. This program allows you to notify the school of pickup changes or authorize other family members to pick up students from school and manage carpool with other parents at school. Pikmykid will be used to send alerts when your child has been picked up from school. Using this digital process to manage dismissal increases the safety and efficiency of student release. Instructions on how to get started will be given to you at the Meet the Teacher Day on August 5th and can also be found here

To help with traffic flow, on regular dismissal days all PK3-5th grade students without siblings in middle school or high school will dismiss at 2:50 p.m.; all others will dismiss at 3 p.m. Families with students dismissing at 3 p.m. may not begin lining up until 3 p.m. If they do, they will be asked to go to the end of the line. On Noon dismissal days, the dismissal time for PK3-5th grade students without siblings in middle school or high school is 11:50 a.m.; and all others will dismiss at Noon.

1. PK3-5th graders without siblings in middle school or high school will dismiss in carline at Kay Circle at 2:50 p.m.
2. PK3-2nd graders with siblings in middle school or high school (if high school student doesn't drive) will dismiss in carline at Kay Circle at 3 p.m.
3. Students in grades 3-5 with siblings in middle school or high school who don't drive will dismiss at Trinity with the older sibling at 3 p.m.
4. Students in grades 6-8 without siblings in PK3-5th grades will dismiss at Trinity Drive at 3 p.m.
5. Students in grades 6-8 who don't have younger siblings but do have siblings in high school who don't drive will dismiss with their sibling(s) at Trinity Drive at 3 p.m.

Carline hang tags with students’ last name and car number should be on display throughout Kay Circle and Trinity Drive carlines at dismissal. Two tags will be provided to new families. Returning families should use their tags from the 2021-2022 school year; please bring your tags to Meet the Teacher on August 5th so we can affix a 2022-2023 carline number to existing tags. Additional tags may be purchased online and will be delivered to your youngest student's homeroom/1st period teacher.

Parents will be responsible for buckling their students' seat belt if the child can't do it themselves. We will have a clearly marked Buckle Zone at our Kay Circle dismissal where parents may pull aside and stop, out of the way of dismissal, to help their students put on seat belts.

6. High school students who don't drive and don't have younger siblings will be picked up in our high school parking lot carline, following these directions:
  • High school dismissal will require entrance/exit via our campus' Box Road entrance near St. Anne Community Outreach, located at 1820 Box Road. The high school gate along Sheffield Drive is not a point of entry or exit at dismissal.
7. High school students who don't drive and do have younger siblings will report to their younger siblings' dismissal area to be picked up.
8. High school students who drive and have younger siblings in PK3-8th grades will go to their siblings' classroom doors after dismissal and walk their sibling(s) to the high school parking lot to leave.

We appreciate you taking time to review these arrival/dismissal procedures. Please expect delays the first several days. We are grateful for your patience!