Area 11 Roadway Safety Update
Dear Area 11 Residents,

ICHA and the HRB Transportation Committee are pleased to announce that the Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA) has approved the speed cushion application for Coltrane Court and Turing Street. ICHA has ordered the speed cushions and delivery is estimated at 4-6 weeks from the order date. We hope to have the speed cushions installed by mid-October.

At this time, ICHA and the HRB Transportation Committee would like to remind all University Hills residents and visitors to honor all traffic calming, parking control, and safety enhancement measures that have been implemented in recent months.

In 2020, ICHA and the HRB Transportation Committee began meeting with Area 11 residents to improve traffic safety. As part of this effort, ICHA contracted the services of KOA Transportation and Engineering Corp. to study traffic conditions in Area 11. The Traffic Study, completed in February, 2021, suggested possible traffic calming and parking control measures, including adding street striping/designated parking tick marks, STOP legends, signage, red marked curbing, No Parking hatch marks (diagonal white lines), and speed limit signage (see detailed descriptions below). All these traffic calming measures have been installed according to the California Vehicle Code.

The spacing and locations of all improvements have been designed and validated by the Traffic Engineer and are appropriately engineered for the safety of the community.

Specific traffic calming, parking control, and safety enhancement measures include:
  • Restricted parking signs will be placed for the benefit of the Miramonte Rental Townhomes along the south side of Coltrane Court. These parallel parking stalls were originally designed as designated overflow parking specifically for residents and guests of the Miramonte community. UCI Transportation is able to scan all rental resident and guest vehicle license plates registered in the Virtual Parking Program. If a non-registered vehicle is parked in stalls designated for rental community residents and guests, the vehicle will receive a citation. The signs are in production and the installation date is to be determined.
  • STOP legends will be modified to include appropriate “stop bar” and stencil displays at appropriate pedestrian crossing areas.
  • STOP sign locations have been verified.
  • White painted diagonal hatch marks at street corners and driveway intersections have been added and designed to enhance line-of-sight safety.
  • Parallel parking tick marks designating approved parking locations have been appropriately measured and situated to conform with each specific curb area length and proximity to nearby driveway intersections. Residual areas outside of the parking tick marks do not meet minimum parking dimensions. The unmarked spaces were left open to enhance line of sight at all intersecting streets or driveways. Vehicles parked outside of the designated tick marks, blocking the line of sight at intersections and driveways, will result in a citation.
  • Under the terms of the Ground Sublease, all 970 homeowners are restricted from parking in the shared driveways and use of private garages is required to ensure adequate guest and overflow parking.
  • Vehicles with expired registration tags may not be stored on the streets.

To ensure compliance, UCI Transportation & Distribution will begin enforcing all traffic calming, parking control, and safety enhancement measures outlined above on October 1, 2021. An initial warning will be issued if necessary; a second offense will result in a citation being issued. UCI Police have already begun general traffic control (speeding, failure to stop, and stored or unregistered vehicles) and will continue that enforcement.

ICHA and the HRB Transportation Committee anticipate general success and improved safety for residents of Area 11 with the introduction of these improvements.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Click the link below for more information and background on the Area 11 Traffic Calming project.
Irvine Campus Housing Authority
(949) 824-4084
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