To: PWNC Churches & Clerks of Session
From: Tonya Williams
Date: January 3, 2025
Re: Annual Statistical Reports
Happy New Year!! This new year also brings us to the Annual Statistical Reporting season. As many of you know, there have been some changes at the OGA level. As a result, the stat portal just officially became live yesterday. At this time, you can now begin submitting your church’s information for the 2024 reporting year. You can access the main page by clicking HERE or go directly to the login page by clicking HERE.
If you are new to statistical reporting, the program includes helpful tools to assist in the completion of this report. If you are the lucky person who completes the report each year, it should look very familiar. Remember the most common mistake on this report is listing a dollar amount under Per Capita Apportionment. As PWNC utilizes a Unified Giving Budget, the amount listed under that category should be “0". Any giving to/through PWNC should be reported in the Local Mission category.
Your User Name and Password have not changed. If you have misplaced your login information, call (828/438-4217) or email me ( and I can look it up for you. If you are having trouble logging in, remember to include the exclamation mark (!) at the end of your password.
Please note that you don’t have to complete the report in one sitting. However, you must hit the "accept" button at the bottom of each page for your data to be saved. Also, keep in mind that this is the perfect time of the year to evaluate your membership rolls. This benefits not only your church, but the Presbytery as well. Help us be good stewards and purge those records!
The 2025 Church Data Form is hyperlinked and can also be found at the bottom of this page. It will be posted on Presbytery’s website ( under “Useful Forms” by month’s end. If you have your session and/or deacon roster available in a different format, feel free to print that version and attach it to the Church Data Form as opposed to retyping the information directly on the form. We don’t want to create extra work for you! Once completed, email the form to
All reports are due by Saturday, February 15, 2025. The portal will lock at midnight on 2/15/25, so PLEASE get your information entered before this time. There’s no “cushion week”, so please be mindful of the deadline and plan accordingly. Submitting this information maintains the good standing of our churches as required by G-3.0202f in the Book of Order.
I know this is a busy time for everyone! Pace yourself and let us know if we can be of help. God’s abundant mercy, grace and peace to each of you in this new year!