Columbus KTC Building Survey
Dear Sangha Members,
A new "home" for Columbus KTC is definitely in our future. Please help the sangha decide requirements and capacity for a new Columbus KTC building.
We've been encouraged by friends in the architecture business to plan for KTC's needs five years into the future. And our spiritual guide, Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche, remarked this week that the KTC's "new building should definitely be larger than the old one." Since our old shrine building comfortably accommodated about 75-80 people, we are looking at accommodating 100-150 in five years. Our survey is based on this "guesstimate" of growth.
To complete the survey, please click here. Provide your contact information, membership status information, and then choose the building and capacity requirements you favor from the list below. Make sure to include your comments.
The survey results will enable us to evaluate if the property on Grubb St will support our building needs. Additionally, it would provide guidelines for a commercial realtor to search for the appropriate property or a new building for Columbus KTC.
We look forward to reading your input and comments, and will report on the survey when it is completed.
PLEASE COMPLETE the survey by Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016.
Best wishes in Dharma,
The Columbus KTC Board
Director: Kim Miracle
Assistant Director: Tanya Bissig Schroeder
Treasurer: Steve Phallen
Secretary: Justin Fitch
Member at Large: Eric Weinberg
Resident Teacher & Adviser: Lama Kathy Wesley