Dear Senesh Families, 

Given the recent rise in COVID cases in NYC, including in local school settings, we are revising our plans for the return to school after winter break. Based on expected extensive indoor activity and travel in our community over the break, we believe it is in our collective best interest to test the entire community to ensure that we all come back to school healthy. Therefore, we will test ALL students and staff at school on Monday, January 3, between 9:00 and 11:00am. We will delay our first day of classes until Tuesday, January 4. School will follow normal school hours on Tuesday as we will receive all test results from Monday in the early morning hours.

We have decided that this plan is the best way to keep our children in school and proactively ensure we do not have COVID cases in school, which can lead to close contact exposure, quarantine, and periods of remote learning for full classes.

  • Monday, January 3: NO CLASSES FOR STUDENTS; COVID testing at Senesh for all students and staff from 9:00-11:00am 
  • If you choose to test elsewhere you will not be able to return to school until you share proof of a negative COVID PCR taken on 1/3/21. Please send your test results to [email protected]
  • If your child has been diagnosed with COVID in the past 90 days, there is no need to take a COVID test and they should return to school on Jan. 4

Please notify Nathalie Cabot ASAP if you are traveling internationally. You may email her at [email protected] and she will advise on the tests you will be required to take before returning to school. Below are the protocols necessary for those travelling internationally.  

If you have traveled internationally and:
  • return December 29 or prior, you are required to take a PCR test four days after your return
  • return on December 30, you are required to take a PCR test on day 1 of your return and then the school PCR test on Monday, January 3
  • return December 31 or later, you are required to take a PCR test on day 1 of your return, a PCR test on day four of your return, and submit a negative daily PCR rapid test each morning before your child comes to school until until the day four negative PCR test is shared with the nurse

We are wishing you and your families a joyful and healthy break and a happy new year! We look forward to seeing everyone in 2022.  

All the best, 
Nicole Nash
Head of School