Dear High School Parent,

We hope you were able to view Mr. Maleck's September Principal’s Coffee Chat last week in which he, Mr. Funchess and the counselors provided important school information. Mr. Maleck also shared a vision for better preparing our high school students for success after graduation through development of their personal "BluePrint." 

Through intentional Naviance and Leadership in Action (LiA) self-discovery exercises occurring in KnightTime, your student will learn about themselves and in the process, develop a personal inventory of their skills, attributes, preferences, career interests and more. Naviance is a college and career planning tool for high school students that allows students to research colleges, explore careers, and plan their journey to college. The resulting information, unique to your child, will be encased in their personal "BluePrint." Your student's BluePrint will inform their high school path and lead to a post high school experience best suited to them. Your student's counselor and KnightTime teacher (both of whom will remain with your child all four years of high school) will help your student develop their BluePrint and utilize it to inform decisions related to LNC course choices, Central Piedmont pathways, college considerations, potential career paths and more.

Later this month, students will receive their BluePrint Workbook. This grade-specific workbook will guide them through this year's Naviance and LiA exercises. The BluePrint Workbook will not only serve as a checklist for their KnightTime activities throughout the year but also as an essential reference guide. As they chart their self-discovery, this workbook will become a valuable resource they can continually refer to as they navigate their journey.

Tomorrow you will receive the September Counseling Connection email from your child's counselor. This first counseling email is ripe with important upcoming information and will include more information about BluePrint. You can expect to receive a Counseling Connection email each month and hope you find it to be a valuable resource. Finally, we developed a Road Map that is intended to help you be aware and manage the year's important dates, events and milestones. 

We look forward to a strong partnership with you as the year progresses to help your student realize the best success in high school and beyond. 

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