The IMRF 2023-2025 Strategic Plan provides a road map for meeting the challenges and opportunities in providing the highest quality retirement services to our members, their beneficiaries, and employers.
IMRF received the 2019 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, which not only recognized our organizational excellence, but also provided a comprehensive feedback report to continue our efforts toward fulfilling our Vision. The Baldrige Framework helps shape the development of our Strategic Plan, which aligns our objectives with IMRF’s Key Result Areas:
- Financial Health
- Customer Engagement
- Workforce Engagement
- Operational Excellence
The Board of Trustees and staff completed a validation of our Mission, Vision, and Values in early 2022. We completed an overview of our external environment, as well as an analysis of our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. These analyses resulted in a list of strategic advantages, challenges, and opportunities that guided the development of key strategies to meet the Strategic Objectives established across IMRF’s four Key Result Areas.
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Our four Strategic Objectives provide the basis for our 2023-2025 Strategic Plan. Staff developed action plans, including milestones and timelines, for the Key Strategies associated with each of these objectives.