Distance Learning at IMS
Our teachers are engaging with our students and working hard to continue to deliver enriching academic content through our robust distance learning program. Specifically:

  • Teachers are delivering virtual instruction daily to their students & checking in with each students multiple times per week.
  • Families are engaged, checking in and asking questions.
  • Leaders are doing virtual coaching and planning sessions with teachers.

Thank you to our teachers, leaders and families for partnering to keep our students learning!
More Connected Than Ever
Even though we are forced to be apart, in some ways we are more connected than ever! Families have been sharing pictures of our students learning and participating in virtual school spirit weeks and teachers have created videos to show their appreciation for their students and families. As our teachers continue to share pictures of their home instruction stations, 3rd grade teacher, Ms. Clancey, at DePaul Catholic commented that while she is missing all her kids, she:
“really enjoys being able to talk one-on-one with parents/families. Whether it’s a call, a text, a dojo message, I definitely feel that I have an even stronger connection with each of my students’ parents and families now!”

What Our Families Are Saying...
Celebrate Holy Week & Easter Sunday!
As we celebrate Holy Week and prepare for Easter Sunday, even though we can't gather together as a community of faith at Mass, we can watch it together, thanks to Fr. Chris Walsh at St. Raymond of Penafort Parish! Here is the Holy Week schedule of Live Streaming Masses:

  • Holy Thursday @ 7pm
  • Good Friday @ 3pm
  • Easter Sunday (& every Sunday) @ 10am
We wish you all a blessed Holy Week and joyous Easter!

Helping Our Families
It has never been more important to come together as a community to make sure our children have what they need to continue to learn at home. The IMS network has determined that about a quarter of our students need Chromebooks to make continued dynamic remote instruction possible.

Thanks to Families Behind The Badge Children's Foundation, NSM Insurance Group, Philadelphia School Partnership and many other generous individual donors, we will be able to support families in need with this technology!

Thank You!
COVID-19 Emergency Fund
Thank you to those who have already given to our newly established COVID-19 Emergency Fund ! This fund will help schools alleviate challenges, from purchasing Chromebooks to basic operating support. Your support will make an immediate impact in the lives of our students.
We Are Still Enrolling for the 2020/21 School Year!
IMS schools are actively enrolling for the 2020/21 school year ! Be sure to follow us on Social Media (scan our QR Code with your phone's camera) and be on the lookout for our "Why IMS?" enrollment campaign - launching this month! We will be featuring quotes from parents, alumni & staff. Help spread the word by sharing these posts with your network. Don't forget to refer new families through our Family Referral Program (see your school's website under "For Parents").

Let's Get SOCIAL while Social Distancing
In a world of social distancing, social media may be our best bet for staying connected and supporting one another during this difficult time. If you're not already, there's no time like right now to start following IMS on Facebook , Instagram , Twitter and LinkedIn . We are always sharing photos of our distance learning and also be on the look-out for special posts like Testimonial Tuesday, Why IMS? Wednesday - both featuing quotes from our parents, techers & alumni - and Faith Friday! Together, we will get through this!