The Indiana PASRR Help Desk often receives AssessmentPro "how to" inquiries from nursing facility users. Some of the most commonly asked questions are concerning the PASRR recommendations located in an assessed individual's Level II Summary Report. These recommended services and supports are critical information that you should supply through AssessmentPro. Cases when an individual has refused service or no longer needs service should also be documented in the system.

With this important documentation process in mind, here are a few Level II Summary Report related Q&As for your reference, as well as a link to download the current IN PASRR FAQs document:
Documenting the Level II Summary Report

Q:  The PASRR report states that our staff provide certain supports to the person, in addition to specific services. Are nursing home staff required to provide PASRR-identified services and supports?
  • PASRR requires identifying any needs across a continuum of services and supports, and the provider must incorporate those in the plan of care.
  • PASRR and long-term care regulations require that the PASRR report inform the plan of care that the nursing home staff develop for residents who have mental illness or intellectual/developmental disabilities. 
  • Section 483.40 of federal code requires LTC facilities to provide the necessary behavioral health care and services to residents for those residents to attain or maintain their highest practicable physical, mental, and psychosocial well-being, in accordance with the comprehensive assessment and plan of care.
Q:  What if the person refuses PASRR required services or if the provider obtains a required evaluation that determines that the person has maximized their benefit for a PASRR required service? 
  • The NF must document the refusal or the maximized PASRR required service benefit in the resident's record. This acknowledges the PASRR report's requirements and documents either that the person refused the services or that an evaluation was conducted by the required specialist and it determined the services were no longer needed.
Q:  What if the nursing home cannot provide the recommended service but can provide a similar service?
  • Facilities should only accept individuals for whom they can adequately care, which includes providing or arranging the recommended services and supports. If those are not available in your facility or community, but a similar service is available, the provider must document the alternate service being provided and the reason.
Q:  The PASRR report mentions community services the person may need if they are discharged. Why are community services included in the report?
  • The final Long-Term Care Regulations required that discharge assessment and planning be a part of developing the comprehensive care plan, including assessing a resident's potential for future discharge, as well as discharge goals and needs of each resident to ensure that residents are given every opportunity to attain their highest quality of life. 
  • PASRR regulations are designed to work hand-in-hand with those Long-Term Care regulations to ensure that future disability needs are also addressed.
TOOLKIT: Download Indiana PASRR FAQs
If you haven't already, be sure to download and review the latest updates to the IN PASRR Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). This useful resource includes items recently added from the July  LII - MI transition webinars. *New updates are listed in orange in the table of contents.

Ascend, a MAXIMUS Company will continue to reach out via email to provide you with helpful reminders, detailed information on policy, and procedural updates. We invite you to visit our website to learn more about us.

We are privileged to work with you to ensure individuals in your community receive the services and supports they need.