Quarterly news & updates
Q1 2023
2023 calls for innovative focus on value, efficiencies and cost
Welcome to the first RAUS Global newsletter for 2023. Many people and companies have already given their prediction of what to expect in the year ahead. Here, at RAUS, we know how busy you are with limited time for reading. So, we have selected a few topics and articles that we hope will be of interest and encourage you to get in touch if you want to find more time in your day, because… we can help!
Join us at the ANA Advertising Financial Management Conference, in Phoenix, April 30-May 3, 2023

Marketing procurement often doesn’t realize the huge power they have to change business relationships and make a difference in driving DEI, not only for the company they work for but for the next generation. This session will discuss the three key areas for marketing procurement to change DEI implementation across the entire marketing discipline – the RFP, Masters Services Agreement, and procurement’s role on quarterly business review between the client and agency.
Great ideas being ignored
In July 2022, the ANA published the results of a survey that was conducted earlier in the year with respondents drawn from marketing procurement/sourcing, marketing and agencies.  Entitled “Procurement: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly”, it provides feedback on perceptions of the performance and inter-relationships of clients' Marketing Procurement with the other stakeholders. Disappointingly, the results have barely changed since the first survey, 12 years earlier, in 2010.
For those of us that consult to and work with client procurement, none of the conclusions are a surprise. 
What is a surprise is that only a few companies have actually done anything about it.
Let’s look at a small selection of findings as they relate to the relationship between procurement and the agency:

  • 54% of procurement believe that their relationship with agencies is extremely or very healthy. Only 15% of agencies agree

  • Procurement believe their definition of “Value” is maximum growth & impact. Agencies believe that procurement’s definition of Value is lowest cost

  • 55% of procurement believe that they understand the economic value of successful marketing. Only 5% of agencies believe this to be true

  • 49% of procurement believe that they are knowledgeable in advertising, compared with 0% of agencies that agree with this
Given this is our area of expertise, we thought we’d be knocked over in the rush of companies wanting to evaluate these inter-relationships while also working to provide training and mentoring of the procurement staff. Without wishing to diminish the work that might be involved, the road map is fairly clear.
However, as with many system or process improvements, no one has the time to recognize, then implement them.  Everyone is already 100% occupied keeping up with their own job!  Or, sometimes the dynamics of the relationships wont allow a consensus to be created.  

That’s why you need a specialist adviser to be the coordinator and independent voice of reason, someone who is not part of the company politics.
By bringing in an external specialist, companies expect to see a financial benefit or ROI from the investment.  However, a re-vamped, more efficient, effective and positive relationship between marketing procurement, marketing and the agencies will result in time savings for all parties as well as better understanding and control over the financial aspects of the contract. Priceless!
Let’s hope the next survey will prove that companies have taken some positive action!
Marketing Procurement's role in driving diversity and inclusion

By Christine Moore, Managing Partner, RAUS Global
Diversity and Inclusion was on everyone’s mind in 2022. On December 7th, the Association of National Advertisers (ANA) announced that the winner of the 2022 Marketing Word of the Year is inclusion. This comes a year after the ANA Word of the Year was diversity. While these two words belong to the same family, the insight is that diversity is having a seat at the table. Whereas inclusion is having a voice. 
When reviewing the reasons why ANA members voted as they did, we see comments as “it is important for the next generation”, “consumers feel good about identifying with someone like themselves in advertising”, “brands want to ensure that ads reflect the communities that brands operate in” and “without true inclusion throughout our work, we cannot continue growing as companies or professionals”. These are powerful and resonating expressions of our collective feeling that “something has to change”. 
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