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Dear Behavioral Health Leader,

As the curtains close on the 2024 Indiana Legislative session, Mental Health America of Indiana (MHAI) is thrilled to offer an comprehensive overview of the legislation that has been a focal point of our advocacy efforts this year. This session will likely set the stage for the next budget session, which we hope will provide monumental steps forward in mental health advocacy, service enhancement, and the professional development of healthcare providers across the state. Building off of last year's SEA 1, below are highlighted bills that have been passed this session and their provisions related to behavioral health.

HEA 1067: Human Services Matters

Key Provisions [CCBHC]:

  • Requires the office of the secretary and the division of mental health and addiction to include each community mental health center that meets certain requirements in the community mental health services demonstration program, if Indiana is approved to participate in the program and as a state plan amendment for specified reimbursement after the program. 
  • Allows the office of the secretary and the division of mental health and addiction to apply for a Medicaid state plan amendment or waiver to allow for Medicaid reimbursement for eligible certified community behavioral health clinic services by certain Medicaid providers, if Indiana is not approved to participate in the program.

HEA 1120: State and Local Administration

Key Provisions:

  • Provide that grant awards authorized in the 2023 budget bill and awarded after December 31, 2024, for regional mental health facility grants to counties for use in constructing new facilities or renovating existing facilities to provide mental health services for certain incarcerated individuals may not exceed $5,000,000 per county (instead of $2,500,000 per county)

HEA 1138: Professional Licensing Matters

Key Provisions:

  • Simplifies the licensure process for social workers, counselors, marriage and family therapists and addiction counselors.
  • Enhances the use of virtual supervision for clinical experience.
  • Allows students to take licensure exams before graduation.

HEA 1205: Mental Health Standards and Reporting

Key Provisions:

  • Requires the Secretary of Family and Social Services to provide that the standards for services provided by recovery community organizations for behavioral health recovery, when used as a recovery community organization, be certified through a certain entity and meet other standards established by the Division of Mental Health and Addiction.
  • The bill specifies information that must be reported by a Community Mental Health Center as part of the Community Mental Health Center's annual report.

HEA 1216: Medicaid Reimbursement for Certain Detainees

Key Provisions:

  • Mandates coverage of services for detained individuals, aligning with clinical care guidelines.
  • Sets guidelines for Medicaid reimbursement post-detention, according to clinical care standards.

HEA 1238: Competency Evaluation

Key Provisions:

  • Requires the Division of Mental Health and Addiction to establish a training program to certify a competency evaluator to assist a court in determining competency.
  • Provides that certain licensed individuals may examine a defendant and testify as to whether the defendant can understand the criminal proceedings and assist in the preparation of the defendant's defense.
  • Allows a court to dismiss criminal charges, without prejudice if the defendant has a certain diagnosis and the defendant is charged with a misdemeanor or Level 6 felony.

HEA 1259: Health Care Matters

Key Provisions:

  • Establishes the therapeutic psilocybin research fund, administered by the Division of Mental Health and Addiction, to support research on psilocybin's use for treating mental health and other medical conditions.
  • Includes clinical study requirements for research institutions receiving grants.
  • Mandates grant-receiving research institutions to report findings to the interim study committee on public health, behavioral health, and human services, the Indiana Department of Health, and the Division of Mental Health and Addiction.

HEA 1385: Emergency Medical Services

Key Provisions:

  • Launches the community cares initiative grant pilot program to support the start-up or expansion of mobile integrated health care programs and mobile crisis teams in Indiana.
  • Introduces a payment structure for health plan operators to nonparticipating ambulance service providers, offering several rate options and mandating that payments are considered in full with specific conditions on billing and copayments.
  • Mandates prompt payment from health plans to nonparticipating ambulance service providers for clean claims and outlines procedures for claims deemed not clean, including potential reasons for non-payment and the need for additional information.

MHAI celebrates the achievements of this legislative session, which marks a step forward in creating a more supportive and accessible mental health care environment in Indiana. We extend our deepest gratitude to our advocates, supporters, and legislators who have championed these vital causes. The 2025 Legislative Session will be even more impactful to the behavioral health community as it will determine the funding levels for the behavioral health infrastructure for the two years thereafter. Your commitment is key in driving meaningful change and providing hope to many across our state. If you have not signed up to MHAI’s advocacy network, please do it now at

Make Your Voice Heard and Be Well,

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