INCOM, a manufacturer of rigid fused fiber optics products, has saved money and conserved water and energy as a result of installing a mechanical vapor compression evaporator system. 

Manufacturers often use evaporators to concentrate wastewaters before disposal. This can become particularly economical when the facility does not have access to public sewer.  

Open evaporators may violate the law when wastewater can be classified as hazardous waste. Wastewater with as little as 5 mg/liter of certain metals are classified as hazardous waste ( 310 CMR 30.125 ). Then EPA and DEP regulations impose restrictions to minimize exposure to employees and the environment ( DEP Evaporator Guidance ). Many companies have found it cost effective to buy enclosed evaporator/condenser systems and use more secure or integral transfer of process waters.

INCOM produces wastewaters from grinding lead-containing optical glass. The concentration of lead in the wastewater was just enough to require shipment under hazardous waste manifest. INCOM prepared an application to DEP for the process to get a waiver from the standard licensing requirements for treating hazardous waste without a license. After careful review, the exemption was granted. The Encon MVC system that they purchased allowed distillation of the wastewater for reuse in an enclosed system. Operating cost is only $.01-$.02 per gallon. INCOM reduced the monthly costs associated with disposing of the lead-containing wastewater by about 82%.  

The OTA showcases the accomplishments of Massachusetts companies so that other companies can benefit from the successful adoption of technology or strategies. In many cases, OTA case studies are developed after technical staff have worked with the company, and in others cases such as INCOM, OTA learns about a company’s achievements and requests permission to re-publicize the accomplishment for the benefit of its audience.

OTA encourages other facilities, plating facilities in particular, to examine whether a similar enclosed evaporator system could lead to cost savings for them as well. If you have questions about this topic, please contact OTA's Jim Cain at (617) 626-1081.