Just in Time! for Substance Use Prevention

October is Substance Use Prevention Month.

Check out this issue of B-HERO for a wide variety of resources for promotion, prevention, treatment, and recovery.

North Dakota's Department of Health & Human Services, Behavioral Health Division, has developed the information packet linked left that details information about youth and adult behavioral health in ND, including substance use, mental health, and prevention considerations.

B-HERO's goal is to support schools in creating a system of support that spans the Behavioral Health Continuum of Care.

The resources and opportunities we highlight are meant to support schools in reaching that goal.

The graphic above can be found on page 29 of the Behavioral Health guide.

Red Ribbon Week: October 23-31

A nationwide opportunity for substance use prevention comes about October 23-31st during Red Ribbon Week. This year's national theme is

"Life is a Movie: Live Drug Free"

ND's Behavioral Health Division has compiled a suite of resources for Red Ribbon Week.

Click the graphic above to visit the website!

Notable resources under the general page include:

Under the "K-12 Resources" Section, check these out:

If you're looking for something specific for substance use prevention, please let our team know at bhero.crea@k12.nd.us.

Does this message find you in a

new building this year?

Let us know through this link so we can ensure the right Behavioral Health Resource Coordinator is listed for your current and previous buildings.

Find more Resources & Upcoming Event information at b-hero.org!


To engage K-12 Behavioral Health Resource Coordinators in training, technical assistance, and opportunities to facilitate connections.  


All school personnel will develop the knowledge and skills to support the health and wellbeing of every student and family. 

Central Regional Education Association