VOL. 14, NO. 20
May 14, 2018

October 29-31
The 2018

ARIA Resort & Casino
Las Vegas


May 29



June 1

June 4 

June 7

June 19

June 22

July 2

USTelecom's Petition Should Be Dismissed, Not Fast-Tracked
On Friday, May 11, INCOMPAS filed two motions at the FCC regarding the USTelecom petition, which seeks to allow incumbent providers to escape their obligations under Section 251 of the Communications Act requiring them to provide wholesale access to unbundled network elements (UNEs). UNEs offer a means of competitive entry that spurs fiber build and innovation. 

INCOMPAS filed a Motion to Dismiss on the grounds the petition was not "complete-as-filed" since the petition relies on confidential data and purported interviews not included in the petition. 

INCOMPAS also filed a Motion for Extension of Time. The petition involves complex issues and, if granted, the impact would be widespread and detrimental to multiple parties and industries. The Commission must not rush through this process.  Amongst other things, the Commission should gather necessary data to truly understand the market impact, provide access to data, and allow time for parties to provide economic analysis. The Commission also must engage in a thorough cost-benefit analysis, allowing interested parties sufficient notice and time to comment on such analysis. 

"An effort by big telecom companies to cut off competition and raise prices is bad news for consumers and bad for business in rural America," said INCOMPAS CEO Chip Pickering. "To be clear, this 'competition cut off' petition should be stopped dead in its tracks. It only benefits a handful of the biggest telecom companies and hurts millions of small businesses that rely on affordable competitive broadband service. Time for significant debate and public comment is critical, as competitive broadband builders are a key player in our nation's deployment agenda. Smaller companies build new networks in rural communities and offer better customer service at affordable prices. We should be promoting competition, not killing it."

Is your company is concerned about the potential impact of this USTelecom petition, which would end incumbents UNE and resale obligations? If so, join INCOMPAS to ensure your voice is heard before the FCC and on Capitol Hill. 

To learn more about membership, email Julia Strow.
Attendees By The Numbers

The INCOMPAS Show has a long history of being the place where deals are done. And it should be no surprise considering 76 percent of attendees are either decision makers or have a role in influencing purchasing decisions. 

The infographic above gives a snapshot of INCOMPAS Show attendees - from the industries they're focused on, to the longevity and size of their companies.

This October 29-31, you can be where the communications and internet industries' top decision makers meet - The 2018 INCOMPAS Show. Whether you want to exhibit and showcase your company's innovative technology and solutions, raise your profile through sponsorship, or secure decimated meetings space where you can seal those important business deals, The INCOMPAS Show has something for you.

For more information about how your can participate, visit The 2018 INCOMPAS Show website or email Sam Edidin.
INCOMPAS Participates in
Red Alert for Net Neutrality

On Wednesday May 9, INCOMPAS joined internet companies, advocacy groups and lawmakers to promote the "Red Alert" campaign, turning the internet red to raise awareness around an upcoming Senate vote to reinstate the FCC's 2015 net neutrality rules. 

Major websites - including Reddit, Tumblr, Etsy, Mozilla and others - urged people to contact their lawmakers and ask them to support strong net neutrality protections.

INCOMPAS participated in the Red Alert campaign by releasing two short videos on Twitter, which highlight overwhelming Republican support for net neutrality, including young Republican support, drawing attention to several polls.

Sen. Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) announced on the same day that Senate Democrats filed a discharge petition to force a vote on the Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution to disapprove the new rules in the Restoring Internet Freedom Order. The deadline for a Senate vote on the CRA is June 12, 2018, but it could take place as early as this week.