The day after President Trump designated Brendan Carr as FCC Chairman, he announced staff appointments, as well as Bureau and Office leadership.
Carr's appointments included Greg Watson, chief of staff; Danielle Thumann, senior counsel – wireline, public safety and consumer protection; Anthony Patrone, legal advisor; Callie Coker, legal advisor; Scott Delacourt, chief of staff for the FCC; Matt Mittelstaedt, director, Office of Legislative Affairs; and Stephanie Chambless, special counsel, Office of the General Counsel.
Acting bureau leadership appointments included
- Trent Harkrader, Wireline Competition Bureau
- Joel Taubenblatt, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau
- Patrick Webre, Enforcement Bureau
- Eduard Bartholme, Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau
- Erin Boone, Media Bureau
- Debra Jordan, Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau
Carr also announced the appointments of Jacob Lewis as acting general counsel and Mark Stephens as managing director.