Vol. 19, No. 28

July 10, 2023



Ting Internet


July 12

INCOMPAS Webinar Series: De-Risking International Sections 214 Authorizations Webinar featuring Morgan Lewis

October 8-10

The 2023 INCOMPAS Show

Tampa, Florida

For information about exhibiting, sponsoring or securing meeting space, please email Sky Wang.


Boldyn Networks Names Brendan O’Reilly Group COO

AT&T and Boldyn Networks Partner to Boost 5G Mobile Coverage for Millions of SFMTA Riders in San Francisco



July 31

Comments Dues on TCPA Consent NPRM

August 4

Comments Due on Exemptions from the Uniform Guidance to the BEAD Program

August 14

Reply Comments Dues on TCPA Consent NPRM

This Thursday, July 12

Morgan Lewis Webinar on De-Risking International Sect. 214 Authorizations

With a background of an evolving geopolitical landscape, the FCC has a heightened focus on how to leverage oversight of international section 214 authorizations to advance U.S. national security, foreign policy, trade, law enforcement and other concerns.

Join Morgan Lewis Partner Ulises R. Pin and Associate Patricia Cave for a discussion on the new landscape of FCC and Team Telecom regulatory oversight faced by the telecommunications industry and infrastructure investors, including new foreign ownership reports and the potential for license renewals, reduced ownership reporting thresholds and other disclosure requirements. 

During the webinar, De-Risking International Section 214 Authorizations, they will provide an overview of: 

  • The FCC’s international section 214 ownership data collection and how to ensure your company complies. 
  • New key areas of interest for the FCC and proposed requirements in those areas that will impact all international carriers. 
  • Opportunities to engage with the FCC to minimize new regulatory burdens resulting from its actions regarding national security matters. 


Third-Party Authentication is a Critical Market-Based Solution for Addressing Spoofed Robocalls

INCOMPAS last week filed reply comments in the FCC's Sixth FNPRM on use of third-party solutions to authenticate caller ID information and the impact these arrangements have on the STIR/SHAKEN ecosystem. 

The association wrote that "rather than take premature regulatory action against third-party authentication arrangements, the Commission should instead seek to fully analyze some of the discrete, standardized marketplace solutions that are currently available. The industry’s implementation of STIR/SHAKEN is only now beginning to take hold." INCOMPAS urged the FCC to allow the framework to evolve while also seeking greater transparency into terminating providers’ STIR/SHAKEN and call presentation practices. 

Senate Commerce Schedules Executive Session on FCC Nominees

Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-WA.), Chair of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, will convene a full committee Executive Session this Wednesday, July 12, at 10 a.m. EDT to consider the following nominations:

  • Anna Gomez to be a Commissioner on the FCC
  • Geoffrey Starks to be a Commissioner on the FCC
  • Brendan Carr to be a Commissioner on the FCC
  • Fara Damelin to be Inspector General of the FCC
  • Alvin Brown to be a Member of the National Transportation Safety Board

The hearing will stream live here.

FCC Broadband Data Collection Window Now Open

The Broadband Data Task Force opened the Broadband Data Collection (BDC) filing window for submitting broadband availability and other data on July 3. Facilities-based broadband service providers are now able to file data that reflects where they made mass-market broadband internet access service available as of June 30, 2023.

Such entities, as well providers of fixed voice services, must also submit the subscription data as of June 30, 2023 required under Form 477 in the BDC system. All availability and subscription data must be submitted no later than September 1, 2023.

Filers should submit their data in the BDC system. A recording of a webinar demonstrating how to use the BDC system is available on the “Education” tab. More information on how to log in, navigate the BDC system and submit data can be found in the detailed BDC System User Guide, and related video tutorials and help articles are available at the online BDC Help Center. Information about the categories of broadband providers that must file availability data, the types of entities that may also submit verified availability data, and what data must be filed can be found here.

The FCC encourages filers to submit June 30, 2023, availability data as early as possible in the filing window. This will give filers an opportunity to address any problems with their data identified by the BDC system in time to make any necessary corrections in advance of the September 1, 2023, deadline. Failure to file required data in a timely manner may lead to enforcement action and/or penalties as set forth in the Communications Act and other applicable laws.

For additional information and questions regarding the Broadband Data Collection, please visit the BDC website.

President Announces FTC Commissioner Nominees

President Joe Biden announced two Republican nominees for commissioners on the Federal Trade Commission:

  • Virginia Solicitor General Andrew Ferguson
  • Utah Solicitor General Melissa Holyoak

NARUC Draft Resolutions on ACP, Lifeline and Network Security

NARUC released draft resolutions that it will consider at its Summer Policy Summit on July 16, 2023. The telecommunications-related resolutions:

  • Urge Congress to provide permanent annual funding for the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP)
  • Proclaim a week in September as National Digital Connectivity and Lifeline Awareness Week
  • Encourage the FCC to work with states to identify equipment and services produced by firms posing a national security risk
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