The Broadband Data Task Force opened the Broadband Data Collection (BDC) filing window for submitting broadband availability and other data on July 3. Facilities-based broadband service providers are now able to file data that reflects where they made mass-market broadband internet access service available as of June 30, 2023.
Such entities, as well providers of fixed voice services, must also submit the subscription data as of June 30, 2023 required under Form 477 in the BDC system. All availability and subscription data must be submitted no later than September 1, 2023.
Filers should submit their data in the BDC system. A recording of a webinar demonstrating how to use the BDC system is available on the “Education” tab. More information on how to log in, navigate the BDC system and submit data can be found in the detailed BDC System User Guide, and related video tutorials and help articles are available at the online BDC Help Center. Information about the categories of broadband providers that must file availability data, the types of entities that may also submit verified availability data, and what data must be filed can be found here.
The FCC encourages filers to submit June 30, 2023, availability data as early as possible in the filing window. This will give filers an opportunity to address any problems with their data identified by the BDC system in time to make any necessary corrections in advance of the September 1, 2023, deadline. Failure to file required data in a timely manner may lead to enforcement action and/or penalties as set forth in the Communications Act and other applicable laws.
For additional information and questions regarding the Broadband Data Collection, please visit the BDC website.