Vol. 17, No. 18
May 10, 2021
INCOMPAS Files in Support of the Emergency Connectivity Fund
In an ex parte, INCOMPAS expressed its support of the FCC's draft Report and Order released in the Emergency Connectivity Fund proceeding.

"We applaud the Commission’s efforts to help close the Homework Gap for millions of students across the country and the steps taken to ensure that schools and libraries have the funding they need to continue connecting students, school staff, and library patrons in off-campus learning. Schools and libraries that invested in remote learning earlier during the pandemic will be rightly reimbursed, and we are hopeful that schools and libraries that still need to invest will be able to receive reimbursements for their future purchases as well."

INCOMPAS also suggested "further clarification in paragraph 39 of the draft order to ensure that schools and libraries better understand when the installation of new facilities would be allowed."
Schakowsky Introduces Online Consumer Bill
Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.), chair of a House Energy and Commerce’s Subcommittee on Consumer Protection and Commerce, s\is expected to introduce legislation with Rep. Kathy Castor (D-Fla.) to revamp Section 230 in order to protect consumer safety online. Their bill would require tech companies maintain clear terms of service and consumer protection policies and would amend Section 230 to clarify that the Federal Trade Commission has authority to oversee and enforce tech companies’ terms of service.

“It would be an unfair and deceptive trade practice under the FTC if the companies did not follow their own terms of service,” Schakowsky said in an interview. “It makes it very clear that Section 230 does not in any way impact the authority of the FTC to hold them accountable.” The bill would also allow consumers to sue if the companies violate their terms of service, something that isn’t likely to gain Republican support.