INCOMPAS and the Cloud Communications Alliance (CCA) filed joint comments in response to the FCC’s NPRM proposing to adopt protections for consumers related to the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in robocalls and seeking comment on positive uses of developing technologies that can alert consumers to unwanted or illegal calls and texts, including AI-generated calls.
“Our members are committed to mitigating the threat of illegal robocalls and robotexts to their customers while working with the Commission to concurrently identify ways to preserve consumer trust in voice and messaging services while promoting policies that encourage competition, innovation and economic development. Together, our members will be leaders in employing AI technologies to enhance the customer’s voice service experience and protect residential and business customers from fraudulent robocalls and robotexts."
"While the Commission must play an important role in ensuring that AI technologies are developed and deployed with the safeguards necessary to protect consumers and competition, the agency’s approach must take into account the noted benefits that the current flexible approach has allowed, including our members' development of innovative call detection and alerting solutions that consumers and providers alike will use to expose fraudulent robocalls or robotexts,” said the associations.