Vol. 17, No. 36
September 13, 2021
Rev.io Member Spotlight Scheduled for Sept. 22
When faced with the COVID-19 pandemic, telecom service providers rose to the occasion, delivering the solutions that kept us connected. It's no understatement to say that the past 18 months have forever changed the way we do business, shop, learn and communicate. As we move forward, challenges still persist, but there are tremendous opportunities for service providers to expand their business as the nation moves toward universal access to broadband.
During this month’s Member Spotlight webinar, taking place on September 22 at 2 p.m. ET, Patrick Elliott, vice president of Marketing at Rev.io (pictured above), will share insights about this new environment and offer strategies on how the service provider community can set the stage for their success by:

  • Exploring the convergence of telecom and managed services
  • Utilizing automation to address with the disrupted labor market
  • Maximizing valuation to leverage the hot M&A market
  • Modernizing their platform, and implications for billing
Take our Telecom Network Executive Survey
2021 marks the Telecom Act’s 25th anniversary and 40 years since the founding of INCOMPAS. To celebrate the enduring legacy of competition underpinning these milestones, the Executive Breakfast Program at The 2021 INCOMPAS Show will explore the top challenges facing today’s telecom network executives.

INCOMPAS and member company Axcent Networks want to hear from you as we develop this session. Take our leadership survey by Wednesday, September 22, and let us know what's keeping you awake at night.
Survey results will be revealed later in September and be the basis for our discussion during the Executive Breakfast Program: Top Telecom Network Executives Challenges session taking place on October 26 during The 2021 INCOMPAS Show at The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas.

The session will feature a panel of industry leaders, who will explore these common challenges, break down the underlying dynamics, and share best practices, anecdotes and case studies highlighting the different ways some of our member companies are dealing with these challenges. We’ll also save time for an open forum and Q&A at the end.

This program is just the start of a deeper look we'll take into the issues impacting providers. In the months following The 2021 INCOMPAS Show, we will host a series of virtual panels to explore additional challenges identified in the survey. These monthly virtual sessions will be free, open to all and archived for on-demand viewing.

All registered 2021 INCOMPAS Show participants and virtual event attendees will receive a summary of the survey results and study findings, which will help arm them with solutions to common challenges.
FCC Announces Agenda for September Open Meeting
The FCC issued a tentative agenda for its September 30 Open Meeting, during which it will consider the following items:
  • Promoting More Resilient Networks – An NPRM to examine the Wireless Network Resiliency Cooperative Framework, the FCC’s network outage reporting rules, and strategies to address the effect of power outages on communications networks.
  • Reassessing 4.9 GHz Band for Public Safety – An Order on Reconsideration that would vacate the 2020 Sixth Report and Order, which adopted a state-by-state leasing framework for the 4.9 GHz (4940-4900 MHz) band. The FCC also will consider an Eighth FNPRM that would seek comment on a nationwide framework for the 4.9 GHz band, ways to foster greater public safety use, and ways to facilitate compatible non-public safety access to the band.
  • Authorizing 6 GHz Band Automated Frequency Coordination Systems – A Public Notice beginning the process for authorizing Automated Frequency Coordination Systems to govern the operation of standard-power devices in the 6 GHz band (5.925-7.125 GHz).
  • Spectrum Requirements for the Internet of Things – A Notice of Inquiry seeking comment on current and future spectrum needs to enable better connectivity relating to the Internet of Things (IoT).
  • Shielding 911 Call Centers from Robocalls – An FNPRM to update the FCC's rules regarding the implementation of the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) Do-Not-Call registry in order to protect PSAPs from unwanted robocalls.
  • Stopping Illegal Robocalls From Entering American Phone Networks – An FNPRM that proposes to impose obligations on gateway providers to help stop illegal robocalls originating abroad from reaching U.S. consumers and businesses.
  • Supporting Broadband for Tribal Libraries Through E-Rate – An NPRM that proposes to update sections 54.500 and 54.501(b)(1) of the FCC's rules to amend the definition of library and to clarify Tribal libraries are eligible for support through the E-Rate Program.
  • Strengthening Security Review of Companies with Foreign Ownership – A Second Report and Order that would adopt Standard Questions – a baseline set of national security and law enforcement questions – that certain applicants with reportable foreign ownership must provide to the Executive Branch prior to or at the same time they file their applications with the FCC, thus expediting the Executive Branch’s review for national security and law enforcement concerns.