INCOMPAS and the Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) filed a joint “friend of the court” brief urging the federal court for the District of Columbia to grant an extension of time on a key facet of the consent decree that resolved challenges to the T-Mobile-Sprint merger of 2020.
DISH Network Corporation has asked the court for more time to purchase several 800 MHz spectrum licenses from T-Mobile, a transaction approved in the consent decree, which are needed for DISH’s nationwide offering of high-speed wireless broadband service to more than 200 million Americans. The brief states that, “CCIA and INCOMPAS urge the Court to grant the Motion as the best means to replace the competition lost via the T-Mobile-Sprint merger, preserve consumer choice, and encourage broad-reaching, cost-effective wireless service.
“As the leading advocate for competition, we believe this extension is critical to ensure consumers have more choices in the marketplace," said INCOMPAS President Angie Kronenberg. "We support DISH’s request and urge the court to grant the extension.”