Some Silicon Valley-based companies, including search engine giant Google, have started to employ in-house philosophers. Others, among them the instant-messaging and telecommunications company Skype, use the service of philosophical counselors such as Andrew Taggart to engage teams of managers with philosophical questions related to their daily business. These practical philosophers are gradually entering the business world, where local executives employ them as de facto "chief philosophy officers" (CPOs). The job role appears to be a mixture of consultant, life coach and strategist. CPOs are responsible for helping the CEO or the business to tackle fundamental questions such as "What is a good and virtuous life?", "How can I be a good boss?" and "What should the purpose of my business be?"
Crapo declines to make changes that big lenders lobbied for; only custody banks, including State Street Corp. and Bank of New York Mellon Corp., will win relief from a key post-crisis capital requirement (Bloomberg Politics | Mar 8)
Senate Republican leaders added some further limits on regulators as well as consumer benefits to legislation rolling back restraints on banks, as substantial support from Democrats helps edge the bill closer to passage (Associated Press | Mar 8)
First the biggest investors in loans to risky U.S. companies fought against the rule. Then a court struck it down. Now some market participants say complying with the regulation is good business and they're not going to stop. (Bloomberg Quint | Mar 6)
The Alternative Reference Rates Committee (ARRC) - a committee of large banks tasked with helping U.S. derivatives markets move away from reliance on the London interbank offered rate - said that around $200 trillion in U.S. dollar-based derivatives and loans are based on Libor, with derivatives accounting for around 95 percent of the exposures, 25 percent higher than previous estimates (Reuters | Mar 5)
The Cyber Cafe
Cybersecurity news every Friday
Young girls are society's future cyber crime fighters
The Girl Scouts of the USA announced the introduction of 18 new cybersecurity badges this spring. As a result, Girl Scouts of all ages (K-12) are able to explore opportunities in STEM while developing problem-solving and leadership skills.
Post Equifax, those who hoped that the Securities and Exchange Commission would impose tougher rules (and consequences for breaking them) around reporting breaches will be disappointed.
World Economic Forum leads creation of fintech cyber security consortium
The World Economic Forum has led the creation of an industry consortium to create a framework to assess the security level of fintech companies and data aggregators, whose preparedness against hacks is seen as increasingly important to the stability of the wider financial industry.
SEC Fruit Loop in a world of Cheerios brings jokes to Twitter
A dinosaur, a lawyer, and an accountant walked into a government office in Texas. It's not the beginning of a joke. It was just Halloween in 2017 at the SEC's Fort Worth Regional Office.
No matter where they came from or how they got started, they all remembered one devastating loss early in their career. They all started with little to no idea what they were doing. All of them transcended false beliefs and developed an amazing ability ot adapt and change their minds in a flash.
From makeup artists in Venezuela to women in conservative parts of India, people around the world are doing the digital equivalent of needlework - drawing boxes around cars in street photos, tagging images, and transcribing snatches of speech that computers can't quite make out.