Dear Friend,

Let's Be Together

While the politicians meet at COP26, join us for an artistic-emotional-communal experience touching the heart of our experience of the climate crisis.

At the Hinterland: a collective collaborative [pr]axis shift
November 8, 2021
12:00 pm PST/3:00 pm EST

This is an online COP26 Coalition event involving a performance and collaborative art practice.

This event will unfold in four phases. First, literary and media artists, including Madeline Bassnett, Jennifer Calkins (from WELC), Teresa Carmody, Anne de Marcken, Molly Fitzjarrald, and Summer Hart, will weave together words, sounds, video, and images to draw and hold participants in a space reflecting our climate and our relationships to the other than human.

Then, participants will engage in a somatic practice with Anastasia Maier to regulate our nervous systems toward the third phase of the event--a collaborative, embodied, communal creation led by Lou Florez drawing from the evocations of the performance toward protection, connection, and energy. Finally, participants and presenters will take time for sharing and conversation.

I hope you can join us!
Jennifer Calkins
WELC Attorney, Diehl Fellow
Western Environmental Law Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to defending the West.
Donations are tax-deductible as allowable by law. WELC does not rent, sell, or trade your contact information.