... These are a few of my favorite things!” When I think of my favorite things at CHSRC, I can't help to start singing with Maria from The Sound of Music.
I have so many favorite things at CHSRC. Can testing be a
favorite? Some might equate testing to... "When a dog bites, when a bee
stings..." NOT at CHSRC. Perhaps, that is why our testing is one of my
favorite times.
For over 20 years at CHSRC, we have worked hard and purposefully
to make testing the best experience for all families involved. While our
proctors are trained to follow all testing regulations, they also focus on
promoting an environment that helps students relax and do their best during
I love break times. Most kids are a little nervous and apprehensive when they first arrive. By the end of day one, they have made new friends, and believe it or not, most kids are eager to come back for the second day of testing.
On day two, my main problem is that students want to stretch
their breaks so they can socialize more with their new friends. Good thing we
don’t need to worry about socialization and homeschooling!
Will testing become one of your favorite things? Perhaps not. But
testing at CHSRC still qualifies as one of my favorite things.
Registration for Summer and Spring testing is now open!