March 28, 2022
2022 Legislative News
House Moving Quickly in Final Stretch
Twelve weeks down, and just a couple more to go before Iowa's legislative session wraps up. The second legislative "funnel" deadline killed off another batch of bills; the window for passing anything right now narrows with each passing day as we approach the April 19th target date for adjournment.
The Iowa House is moving fast, debating dozens of bills each day and working into the evening to send bills to the Governor, or back to the Senate with changes. Expect more of the same in the coming week from the House. The Senate, however, seems to be on a different timeline, passing only a few bills each day. They have not held budget subcommittees at all this year, and there is no sign that any budgets are ready for committee.
Back in the House, the Appropriations Committee has already passed out seven of the ten budget bills, and will send another one to the house floor for debate early next week (the Health/Human Services Budget). We are only missing the Infrastructure and Standings budgets (we should see Infrastructure on Monday at 3:00 pm when they meet). We have no idea what the Senate plans to do with budgets (start their own, or amend the House).
There are some great things in the House budgets; the focus of the HHS Budget is workforce, access to mental health services, and building community capacity to begin to address the US Department of Justice Report on Iowa's treatment of people with disabilities. The House Education Budget (HF 2575) includes more focus on workforce, specifically loan repayment programs. Here's a quick list of what is in the House budgets, and you can see the spreadsheet for the HHS budget here:
- $1.5 million for mental health provider loan repayment if HF 2549 passes.
- $200,000 more to create two more psychiatric residencies.
- $2 million more to raise psychiatric hospitalization rates, based on acuity (tiered rates).
- $3 million more for child psychiatric hospitalization rates (PMIC).
- $1.1 million more to increase residential substance use rates.
- $71 million of new money for full take-over of MH/DS regional funding.
- $200,000 increase for school-based mental health through AEAs.
- $200,000 to add functional family, multi-systemic therapy to Medicaid.
- $14.6 million increase HCBS provider rates for raises for direct support staff.
- $7.4 million to remove 250 people from HCBS intellectual disability waiver waiting list.
- $4 million increase to expand rural access to home health care providers.
- $2.3 million increase for Rural Iowa Primary Care Loan Repayment Program ($4 million total, for physicians practicing in rural areas).
- $750,000 increase for the Health Care Loan Repayment Program ($1 million total, for RNs, ARNPs, PAs, and nurse-educators)
- $12 million for the Governor's workforce grant and incentive program (new funding, school to work transition including health care trades).
- Eliminates line items for IPA's psychologist internship program, rural health clinics, free clinics, and various other line items (but the funding remains). IPA has a six-year contract, but Sen. Costello has indicated he will add our line item back in the Senate budget.
Includes language on the realignment of DHS/DPH (change plan).
- Requires health insurers to accept any telehealth provider in its network (and pay equally), without requiring them to be physically present in Iowa (as long as they get an Iowa license). This was HF 2245, but it too died in Senate.
Candidate Filing (the Other Deadline)
There were two deadlines on Friday March 18: the second legislative funnel deadline, and the candidate filing deadline for anyone running for Congress, statewide office, or the Iowa Legislature.
You can see a list of who filed for each office and their contact information here.
You can see a list of who's retiring or running for a different in the Iowa Legislature here. (Hint: 50 out of the 150 legislators are leaving their current seat)
Remember, people are running in new districts this year. That makes legislators very anxious to get done with session, particularly if they have a primary challenge coming up quickly in June.
You can see our new state district maps here.
You can find where you are on these new maps here.
Funnel Survivors
The IPA bill tracker shows the bills surviving after the first funnel. Here are a few we wanted to call out:
HF736: Medicaid Recoupment: Gives Medicaid (fee for service & MCO) two years to identify a non-fraud overpayment (currently it is five years). The Senate Amendment changes this to make providers whole for any recoupments made after eligibility has been verified and checked, and all prior authorizations were received - at any time. Senate Floor
HF2167: Autism Definition: Updates definition of autism to match DSM, and defines as mental health condition so parity laws apply. Sent to Governor
HF2399: Prior Authorization Reimbursement: Prohibits a utilization review committee from limiting or revoking a prior authorization after the health care service has been provided (except for prescription drug utilization reviews). Senate Floor
HF2549: Mental Health Provider Loan Repayment: Establishes a mental health practitioner loan repayment program for both prescribers and non-prescribers, including psychologists (who would be eligible for up to $8,000/year - up to $40,000 total) who serve in mental health shortage areas (check the bill tracker for more details). Senate Floor
Two other priority bills died - the first we are disappointed didn't make it through the process, and the other we are happy to report died thanks to your advocacy (63 messages - 26 of which were personalized - were sent by psychologists to 35 Representatives).
Your Bill Tracker
Click above to see status of important bills, or create your own report with our custom download.
Town Halls & Public Forums
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