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February 2023

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The IPATH Board of Directors is now welcoming candidate applications for key leadership positions. You MUST be a current IPATH member to apply. Email us at [email protected] for details.

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From the Board Room

Throughout 2023, we will introduce you to one of the IPATH board members. This is an opportunity to take a glimpse into the unique persona of your IPATH leaders as everyday PEOPLE. You might be surprised. You may roll your eyes. Their stories may even lift your spirit or be a source of inspiration! 

Eleanor DiPalma, PhD, LCAT, BC-DMT, NCC

IPATH Board Member

What defines you as a person?

I define myself as a whole person in an evolving active movement process. It is my truth. My fascination of movement and dance started when I first learned to walk and continued for years. It eventually blossomed into several career paths as a dance movement therapy clinician, educator, trainer, researcher and transportation manager in public service.

In my view, “dance movement speaks louder than words.” Actions are often void of intention, expression, passion, compassion and spirit. In current times, excessive use of technology is rapidly becoming a matter of survival while the mind and other core parts of a human being are ignored or absent. People engage in action, not in mindful movement or joyous movement of dance. 

Who is your favorite author? 

Anna Freud, twentieth century psychologist and psychoanalyst, daughter of Sigmund Freud, author of “The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense.” A quote by Anna Freud, “Creative Minds have always been known to survive any kind of bad training.

Do you have any good or bad habits?

Since I don’t find time to shop for others, I shop for myself. I’ve spent too many hours shopping for clothes and accessories. To turn this bad habit into something good, I’ve learned to recycle some of my clothing and I’m planning to sell others. Look out for my great sales of vintage clothing on eBay!

How did this bad habit start?

I love fashion. Maybe that’s why started teaching at the State University of New York at the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) more than 20 years ago. Many don’t know, I’m a Certified Image Consultant, thanks to the Center for Continuing Education and Professional Studies at FIT where I was trained. 

What historical figure do you admire the most? 

After earning the first PhD in dance movement analysis and therapy from New York University, I realized how little I really know and how much more there is to learn. My favorite historical figure is Socrates the Greek Philosopher who said, “Wisdom begins in wonder.” and “To know is to know that you know nothing. That is the meaning of true knowledge.”  

Do you have a food addiction?

I’m addicted to all types of food from East to West, North to South and from all places in between as well as to all the phases before, during and after eating. However, my preference is Italian food, mainly because I grew up in a “good and plenty” atmosphere surrounded by my immediate and extended family. Eating was the main event. Family would gather round the table for hours. Food was the hub, the center, the cause for celebration, the time to connect, to share and give thanks. Food engaged us in many ways before, during and after eating, for example: observing how my grandparents baked and cooked and harvested the vegetables from their farm in Long Island; going food shopping with Mom always was an adventure; even the capturing of food, as in fishing with my Dad or picking out a live lobster in the fish market; preparing the food as in baking, cooking, and mixology; setting the table; sharing of multi course meals and drinks and lastly, cleaning up and singing and dancing afterwards. The kitchen is my happy place where the frig and cupboards are well-stocked with a great variety of tasty and sustaining food delights and where dance is not only allowed, but also encouraged. 

The 15-Minute City:

A Climate Solution?

Proponents of the “15-minute city” say it will reduce emissions and improve residents’ quality of life, but critics say the concept, supported by the World Economic Forum, is discriminatory and will lead to “climate lockdowns.” 

'The “15-minute city” made headlines this month, spurred by controversy over plans by the U.K.’s Oxfordshire County Council to pilot “traffic filters” to reduce car use as part of the city of Oxford’s 2040 development strategy.

Under the filter plan, Oxfordshire will be divided into six districts. Beginning in 2024, residents will be able to drive within their neighborhoods, but license plate recognition cameras will fine private cars £70 for passing a filter without a permit. Vehicles such as bikes and public transportation will be exempt.

Residents can apply for a permit to drive through the filters up to 100 days per year, and residents living outside the zones can apply for a permit for up to 25 times per year. The filters will be in effect daily from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

The county council said the plan is not meant to coerce residents into staying in their neighborhoods, but rather to address traffic congestion by “making walking, cycling, public and shared transport the natural first choice.”" Read more HERE

New CDC Physical Activity Funding Available

CDC has announced three notice of funding opportunities. Recipients will work collaboratively to implement evidence-based strategies that address health disparities. Activities will be designed to improve nutrition, increase physical activity through community design, and help people maintain a healthy weight. Funding for each is for a five-year period, pending the continued availability of funding. For more information on each opportunity, see the CDC announcements.


Applications are due Tuesday, March 21, 2023


Applications are due Monday, March 28, 2023


Applications are due April 11, 2023

IPATH Committee on Equestrianism

24 Reasons Why Horsin’ Around Makes Us Better Human Beings

"...horses change a person. In many ways, there is no chance that a person who is involved in horses - whether as a rider, or barn owner or manager, instructor, volunteer, or someone who helps with the chores - can stay the same as they were pre-horses. While there's likely plenty of physical improvement, there's the even more important aspect of development of character.

First off, there's the being-out-in-the-country factor. For many of us who live in suburbs or cities, being outside "for real" puts us in a much different position than we're used to. The sheer space and conditions create an environment that is rarely experienced these days by most people. Quite opposite to the hustle and bustle of our city lives, being at a farm makes us do things differently.

Time slows down. Pace slows down. Even while we have to actually perform tasks (that won't get done otherwise), the physical aspect requires us to focus on one thing at a time, prioritize tasks, find the most efficient way to do things and to "live in the moment."

Then there's the horses. They teach us so many "soft" skills like empathy, responsibility, leadership, compassion, determination and organization. That doesn't even include riding-specific skills. Click HERE to learn the 24 reasons.


Transport and Health Performance Metric Guidebook

The Transportation Public Health Link (TPH Link), International Professional Association for Transport & Health (IPATH) and the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) are working in collaboration to create a Transport and Health Performance Metric Guidebook (THPMG). ​This project is meant to provide a user friendly 'Go To' guidebook for professionals in need of quantitative and qualitative tools to measure the health impacts of a transport infrastructure project at the community level. Click HERE to learn more and sign up to be a contributing author.

Scientific & Educational Resources

Upcoming Webinars:

Smart Tools for Smart Cities: Using Geospatial Data to Improve Quality of Life

On demand - Listen anytime

Transportation Safety Culture: Where we are and what it means

Date: February 16, 2023 | Time: 12:00PM Pacific

Urban Form & Health

Date: February 27, 2023 | Time: 3:00PM - 4:30PM ET

Conference Opportunities

International Conference on Ecology & Transportation (ICOET) June 4th - 8th, 2023

Publication Opportunity

Call for Papers: MDPI Journal of Sustainability (IF: 3.889, ISSN: 2071-1050)

Special Issue "Sustainable Development of Urban Mobility through Active Travel and Public Transport". Submission deadline, 30 April 2023 Papers may be submitted immediately and will be published on an ongoing basis. Click HERE

Articles & Such

Counter-Intuitive Department: Sometimes, Traffic Controls Make Streets More Dangerous

Leading pedestrian intervals – Yay or Nay? A Before-After evaluation of multiple conflict types using an enhanced Non-Stationary framework integrating quantile regression into Bayesian hierarchical extreme value analysis

Streetsblog USA: Pedestrians Multiple articles on walking and pedestrian safety

The Battle Over Bike Lanes Needs a Mindset Shift

How Tactical Urbanism Helped Conquer the Streets of Jersey City

Traffic fatalities ‘crisis’ demands state and local coordination, transportation officials emphasize

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