IPATH Member Rap

Exclusively for Members

Call to Action

Thank you so much for being a member of IPATH. We would like to encourage YOU to take an active role in the organization. What does this mean? First of all, IPATH needs to increase its membership. The pandemic kind of put the kibosh on everyone's professional activities and sources of funding. As a result, IPATH lost members and most of its funding. It's okay, WE can rebuild IPATH bigger and better! No worries.

Starting with the receipt of this email through 1 April 2023 (That date is NO coincidence), IPATH will be holding a MEMBERSHIP DRIVE. Oh, but wait, it's not your typical membership drive. I believe in a little healthy competition....

There are four brand spanking NEW books entitled, "Livable Streets 2.0" written by Bruce and Donald Appleyard that are left over from the 2022 annual meeting. Each book is valued at $250 USD. Instead of storing these beautiful books on my closet shelf and having them collect dust, IPATH is offering them to the four (4) members (You MUST be a paying and registered IPATH member to participate.) who are successful in recruiting the highest number of NEW IPATH members, including affiliate members (Tiers 1-3). I'm not done yet...These four top recruiters will also receive a FREE 2024 IPATH membership valued at up to $150 USD. WHOA.

Make sure to email me, Karyn Warsow, at [email protected] with any questions. The IPATH membership registration form is updated for NEW members to indicate the name of the IPATH member referral. You can also send me a note with a list of potential IPATH members to watch for in the registration database.

Get ready. Get set. GO....

IPATH Membership Page

Just one more thing...

IPATH Inc. is now a federally recognized 501(c)(3) public charity. As a nonprofit organization, we are in need of tax-deductible donations to support our mission and vision. If IPATH and the concept of transport and health is to create positive change, it will take the support of the transdisciplinary community working together. Help us with the necessary funding to build a better organization for you by making a modest donation.

Make a Tax-Deductible Donation

IPATH would like to thank Sam Schwartz, Pedestrian Traffic Safety Management for sponsoring the 2023 IPATH newsletter and Member Rap