
"The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love."

Psalm 103:8


Interested in listening to last week's sermons again? Click the links below to listen.

Sunday Morning

Sunday Evening


Message by Evan Gear

Caesar salad



French fries

Lemon bar

Fall Sunday School Classes

The Fall Sunday School quarter began Sunday, September 1st. For details about your Sunday school class, visit the website. This quarter is not elective, so you will return to the class that corresponds to your age.

The Fall Inquirers' Class

The Fall Inquirers' Class began Sunday, September 8. The Inquirers' Class takes place during the Sunday School hour and is designed to introduce visitors and "inquirers" to the history, doctrine, practice, and people of our church. The class will be taught over a period of a eight weeks. If you are interested in participating in the class, feel free to fill out this optional form.

The Ladies’ Tuesday Morning Bible Study began on September 10th from 9:30-11:00 am in Telfair Hall. Tim Shaw is teaching a series on the book of Revelation. The study will run from September through April, with a break from Thanksgiving to January. The only required book for this study is your Bible.

If Tuesday mornings are not an option for your schedule, we invite you to join the Lady Jane Grey Reading Society on Monday evenings at 7:00 in the Hull Street Parlor led by Tamara Thompson. If you have any questions regarding the Tuesday morning Bible study, contact Natalie Brown at (912) 660-0249. Questions about the Monday evening book study should be directed to Tamara Thompson at (912) 856-5540. Nursery is provided on Tuesdays for infants through 4 year olds.



IPC is looking for volunteers for the Reformation and Worship Conference on October 10-13. Registration is now open and you can find more info about the conference by visiting our website here. If you are interested in volunteering for this conference, please fill out the form below. We are in need of volunteers in various roles. If you have further questions, please reach out to Wendy Sutton at (912) 224-8845.



Save the date for 8:30 AM on Saturday, September 28th at Lake Mayer for Savannah Care Center's Walk for Life. There will be food, games, prizes, music and fellowship with others who love the cause. You can register to participate and/or join, create, or donate to a team by clicking the button below. Please contact Hannah Scharer at (503) 718-4742 with any questions.


Operation Christmas Child

We, as a church, will once again be participating in Operation Christmas Child. This is an opportunity to pack a shoebox full of school supplies, toys, hygiene items and personal notes to the child. The boxes will be collected and distributed to needy children in our country and in many countries around the world. Before the boxes are distributed, a booklet explaining God’s plan of salvation will be included. The children will also be given the opportunity to attend a 12 week discipleship program in their area. For most of these children, these boxes may be the only gift they have ever received. It is a wonderful way to show God’s love to others.


 Pre-made boxes will be available for you to pick up in the Fellowship Hall and also the hallway leading into the sanctuary along with labels and other information you may need. Each box already contains a handmade trinket box made by Charlie Brown and Micah Miller. You can fill these trinket boxes with goodies as well! When packing your box, please include a check made out to “Samaritan’s Purse”  for $10 to help with shipping. There is a pre-paid envelope to mail the check or you can pay online or just place the check in the envelope and include it in the box. When you are done packing the box, please return it to the Fellowship Hall. All boxes are due back no later than November 17.


Thank you so much for participating in this ministry. If you have any questions or need ideas of what to include or not include in the box, please call or text Denice Jefferson at (908) 303-8877.

RUF Snacks

Help love SCAD students by baking or providing desserts or snacks for their weekly Wednesday night worship. Click here for more details on what to provide and how to sign up.

If you have any questions, please contact Sarah Schmidt at (210) 912-4238 or


The bi-monthly newsletter, IPC Messenger, is available online.

  • "Marriage & Baggage" article by Mr. Johnson
  • Articles from Matthew Burt, Lucy Biemiller, Jane Boatright, & Tamara Thompson
  • IPC Day Camp article by Kenneth Crowe
  • Reformation & Worship Conference
  • Psalms & Hymns of the Month
  • Notes from church family
  • Birthdays
  • and more...


All women are invited to join us to pray on Tuesday mornings in Pooler at 8:00 AM. We will gather at Three Tree Coffee. Contact Barbara Rustine at 912-306-9876 with any further questions.

Theology On the Go Podcast

Click here to give the Understanding Family Worship episode of the Theology On the Go podcast a listen, where Terry Johnson speaks on the importance of family worship.


INTO THE STUDY is a weekly podcast. If you have not downloaded the app to your smartphone or your tablet, do that today. After downloading, visit the the home tab and click on INTO THE STUDY or look in the media tab. New ones will be released each Thursday. Questions about the app should be directed to Josh Espinosa (


Have you moved? Has a phone number changed? How about your photo and/or your family photo; is it up to date? Please take a moment to look at your information in Realm and see that the information is correct. If you are not sure how to update these items on the Realm website or the Realm Connect app, send an email with the information (photos as well) to this email:


The 2024 annual calendar can be accessed online and printed. If you need a copy printed please contact the church office.


The Fall Sunday School quarter began on September 1. Sunday school occurs at 9:00 AM and lasts until 9:40 AM. For details about your Sunday school class, visit the website. This quarter is not elective, so you will attend the class that corresponds to your age.


For 2024, we will offer the Navigator's Book-at-a-Time Bible reading plan. Hard copies will be available on Sundays and in the church office; you can use the provided pdf as well. In the year ahead, ask God each day to speak directly to you from the Scripture portions you read. Be expectant, and let your continual exposure to God’s Word reshape your attitudes and behavior as you gain a better understanding of every part of His written testimony to us.

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