Operation Christmas Child
We, as a church, will once again be participating in Operation Christmas Child. This is an opportunity to pack a shoebox full of school supplies, toys, hygiene items and personal notes to the child. The boxes will be collected and distributed to needy children in our country and in many countries around the world. Before the boxes are distributed, a booklet explaining God’s plan of salvation will be included. The children will also be given the opportunity to attend a 12 week discipleship program in their area. For most of these children, these boxes may be the only gift they have ever received. It is a wonderful way to show God’s love to others.
Pre-made boxes will be available for you to pick up in the Fellowship Hall and also the hallway leading into the sanctuary along with labels and other information you may need. Each box already contains a handmade trinket box made by Charlie Brown and Micah Miller. You can fill these trinket boxes with goodies as well! When packing your box, please include a check made out to “Samaritan’s Purse” for $10 to help with shipping. There is a pre-paid envelope to mail the check or you can pay online or just place the check in the envelope and include it in the box. When you are done packing the box, please return it to the Fellowship Hall. All boxes are due back no later than November 17.
Thank you so much for participating in this ministry. If you have any questions or need ideas of what to include or not include in the box, please call or text Denice Jefferson at (908) 303-8877.