August 11, 2020
Industry News
Newspaper Offers Suggestions for Parking-space Dining
As more restaurants expand into parking lots and garages to accommodate customers in a socially distanced economy, some hope for more refinement—and the San Francisco Chronicle isn’t shy about it. The newspaper last week offered six ways parking-space dining can improve, focusing on creating a more refined experience than a table between white lines. We had no idea we could be so sophisticated! Read the story here —you might get some great ideas for your city.
Micro-mobility Bounces Back
Bike- and scooter-shares took a big hit when COVID-19 lockdowns took hold last spring, but experts say they’re bouncing back and have a very bright future. “In American and European cities that have made progress on reopening their economies, demand for electric scooter, bike, and moped rental services is growing, several companies have reported,” says Bloomberg, noting continued growth is expected. Read about it here
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