IPPS is a place for both newbies and experts to learn more about plant 
production and propagation. Come in and find your seat!  
A Note From the President

It is fall! Back to school, start the NFL season, and best of all, the Annual IPPS Conference. We are delighted to return to an in-person event hosted at The Morton Arboretum this September 28th to October 1st.

And for those not ready to travel; we are also hosting the event virtually at the same time. There is a great lineup of speakers with a range of topics that is sure to impress even the most seasoned IPPS member and the tours are looking better than ever. Just think, how often do tour hosts get to show you their operations from spring through fall? What a great venue to be able to tour at leisure and chat with old friends. Don’t forget the posters too!

We are all in this year and I am sure you should be there; in-person or online; you will be enjoying the very best we can offer!

It is my pleasure as president to invite one and all to join us as we seek and share horticultural pride and knowledge!

Keith Osborne, IPPS Eastern Region President
Two Communities Commemorate Fallen Trees and Seed Future Hope
The powerful derecho storm that blasted across Iowa in August 2020 damaged or destroyed an estimated 7 million trees. A unique community program was launched to honor and commemorate the trees lost. The project is centered in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
In August 2021, Temple University's Ambler Arboretum was struck by a tornado that caused millions of dollars of damage, including the loss of thousands of plants and trees. Now, campus leaders look to what can be gained from such destruction. Read the full Philadelphia Inquirer article.
Dr. John A. Wott, former IPPS ER Secretary, Passes

We are saddened to share the news that Dr. John Wott, a life-time member, volunteer, and former staff member of the IPPS, passed away on August 28, 2021, at the age of 82.

Dr. Wott was the Eastern Region Secretary-Treasurer from 1971-77. In 1986 he began a 20-year tenure as International Secretary-Treasurer.

He was a member of both Eastern Region and Western Region through the years. As a volunteer, John served as International President in 1984. He was President of the IPPS Eastern Region in 1980-81.  

Dr. Wott was a retired Professor Emeritus, Urban Horticulture at the University of Washington and former Washington Park Arboretum Director. Here is a wonderful memorial tribute from the University of Washington Botanic Gardens.

Highlight a New or Underused Plant

The wildly-popular New Plant Forum will be held on September 30 during the Annual Conference. Share a new introduction, or an existing cultivar or species which you feel is under-appreciated.

Unable to attend? You may still submit a new plant and someone will present for you. This year's program will be moderated by IPPS ER Board Member, Todd West of North Dakota State University.

The IPPS Eastern Region has more than 900 student members! Full-time students may attend the virtual component (September 29 and 30) of the 2021 Annual Conference for only $25!