Juan Meng, Ph.D., University of Georgia, and Bruce Berger, Ph.D., University of Alabama, The Plank Center for Leadership in PR, IPR Trustee

A new study by the Plank Center for Leadership in Public Relations and IPR reveals three things about millennial communication professionals (MCPs). First, sharp perceptual gaps exist between MCPs and their managers regarding MCPs' workplace values and leadership capabilities. Second, some differences may help enrich the profession. Third, a talent management ecosystem can help organizations attract, engage, develop, retain and gain from top millennial talent.

This study also demonstrates how a combination of personalized and contextualized approaches can benefit individual professionals, organizations and the profession.

Frank Walton, Ph.D., Franklin Walton LLC, IPR Measurement Commission

If PR leaders are to be useful, and if telling the truth is not effective, it seems negligent to tell the truth. This is not a new dilemma. Yet, we cannot today fall back on old nostrums, which assert that the individual PR employee has a higher responsibility to interpret the best interests of the client.

If the PR industry is going to assert that telling the truth is the best policy, we have to be more rigorous in our own thinking. With more self-scrutiny, better research into the dynamics of communication and social discourse, and a commitment to educating and supporting the personal character of rising practitioners - the PR field may find itself both more effective and strong.
Read more.
The IPR Measurement Commission has elected Mark Weiner, CEO of PRIME Research Americas, as its Director for 2017-2018, effective immediately. Weiner is a founding member of the Commission and is known for his expertise in communications research with a special focus on proving and improving the value and return on investment of public relations in driving positive business results.

 "Since its beginning, the Commission has served as a beacon for those communicators seeking to demonstrate and generate the best results from their organizations' investment in public relations," said Weiner. Read more.
Apply for IPR Graduate Student Fellowships
Applications Due: March 7, 2017

These awards are open to all public relations/communications or business school graduate students with an interest in research.
Grunig PRIME Research Fellowship

The winner will receive $5,000 to work at PRIME Research's Ann Arbor, MI, office for six weeks during summer 2016. 
At the end of the term, the awardee will complete a research paper on one of IPR's priority research topics. Upon being accepted for publishing by IPR, an additional $2,500 stipend will be awarded.  Apply now! 

The winner will receive $7,500 to work at the Ketchum Global Research & Analytics office in New York City for ten weeks during summer 2016.

At the end of the experience, the awardee will produce a rigorous research paper intended for practitioners. Upon being accepted for publishing by IPR, an additional $2,500 stipend will be awarded. Apply now!
USC Annenberg's 2017 Global Communications Survey is now asking for PR leaders to participate in this vital survey. The Global Communications Report is an important indicator of what lies ahead for one of the world's most dynamic professions. It is being conducted in collaboration with the Holmes Report, AMEC, Arthur W. Page Society, ICCO, IPR, Global AlliancePRCA UK/MENAPR Council, PRSA, PRSSA and WorldCom. To participate in this survey, please visit here.
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