Thomas Stoeckle, IPR Measurement Commission, LexisNexis, and Chris Scully, LexisNexis
Thomas Stoeckle and Chris Scully
A key component of Donald Trump's campaign strategy has been to dominate in traditional media as a means to boost his electoral prospects. Data supports Trump's strategy: more coverage generally has translated to better polling numbers. The campaign would be wise to continue following such a strategy. Whether this strategy alone is enough to overcome Hillary Clinton's prolonged edge in the polls is
another matter.
In a fast-paced media environment, PR practitioners are hyperfocused and hyperworried about what can pop up at any one time and dominate a news cycle. However, our results indicate that one or two impactful news cycles are not as meaningful as a media performance trend sustained over the course of a week to ten days. It's the legs of a major development or the snowball effect, our data suggests, that should be the worry or the goal, not the one big story itself. Read more.