Dr. Dejan Verčič, Professor and Head of Centre for Marketing and Public Relations at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, presented "Hyperglobalization and Hyperdemocratization: Implications for Public Relations" at IPR's 5th Annual IPR Research Symposium in New York City. He talked about the journey of the internet and how it has been a game changer for the practice of public relations.
Dr. Verčič received the 2016 Pathfinder Award, the highest academic honor bestowed by IPR, at its 55th Distinguished Lecture and Awards Dinner held later that evening. Video of Dr. Vercic's presentation, as well as his slides, are now available. Read more.
Erin Ford, Institute for Public Relations

As 2017 begins, agencies and brands are looking to key trend measurements. The fourth annual Key Digital Trends report for 2017 has been released, all thanks to two of Ogilvy's digital and innovation leaders, Marshall Manson, CEO at Ogilvy PR, and James Whatley, Planning Partner - Innovation at Ogilvy & Mather London.

In summary, Ogilvy paired practical, concrete recommendations with the 2017 predictions. Here's a haul of the next five big trends. Read more.

Mengqi Zhan and Dale Hample, Ph.D., University of Maryland

Dissatisfaction can be felt but not expressed; dissent is the actual performance of disagreement with immediate circumstances. Individuals' personality traits of argumentativeness and verbal aggressiveness influence employee dissent behavior. However, most employees assess costs and benefits when making dissent decisions.

To avoid disgruntled employees, organizations should promote dissent by making employees feel their costs to express disagreement are low and the benefits are high. Managers can create an organizational culture that readily accepts employee suggestions and reacts to employee dissent with open minds. Read more.
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