Cayce Myers, Ph.D., LL.M. J.D., Virginia Tech, IPR Research Editor

For PR practitioners the control of clients' image is a source of pride and frustration. This responsibility of image management has become more complex in the digital age where organizations' images are frequently stolen, misused, maligned, and ridiculed online. This situation begs the question, can practitioners ever control image completely?

As any seasoned practitioner will tell you the answer is probably not. However, one of the strongest tools in controlling online image is the law, particularly trademark law. Unlike other types of laws that affect PR practice, trademark law is actually directly affected by how practitioners represent their clients' image. Strategic communication and deliberate use of image actually provides organizations greater legal protection under trademark law. Read more.
Brian Lott, Mubadala, IPR Trustee 
While the statistics are changing monthly, Facebook is the most popular channel in the Middle East. According to information presented at the Middle East Public Relations Majlis event in May, there are over 120 million Facebook users in the region, consuming videos at high rates, almost all on mobile phones.
Many of the region's leaders, and their government entities, have been quick to leverage social media due to its penetration with constituents. School closures, holiday announcements, and basic government information is now most widely read, and shared, on social media channels. Five years ago, no one would have imagined the country's leadership either commenting on neighboring wars or praising its young entrepreneurs on social media. Now it happens on a daily basis. Read more.
Fraser Likely, Likely Communication Strategies, IPR Measurement Commission

This is the first in a series of blog posts for PR Measurement Month.

This past June, the International Association for the Measurement and Evaluation of Communication (AMEC) unveiled the Integrated Evaluation Framework (IEF) , which  evaluates the 'goods' that a communication department produces: activities (messages/channels), campaigns, and programs.

This framework provides opportunity to measure communication effectiveness. Which performance-minded CCO will be first across the finish line with a winning evaluation case study - one that applies AMEC's new IEF framework? Read more.
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