Nicole Moreo, Peppercomm

This is the final installment in a series of blog posts for Measurement Month 

When it comes to public relations, "measurement" is seen as what you do at the end of a campaign. Whether it is to prove success or simply catalogue mentions, measurement is only discussed at the end. Unfortunately, this usually leads to very basic reports filled with vanity metrics.

Vanity metrics, according to author Ryan Holiday, are the metrics that feel important but are ultimately superficial or, worse, deceptive. These are the numbers that you can get through most automated tools, but without any sort of context (impressions, share of voice, etc.). If we want measurement to actually make an impact, it needs to be discussed before, during and after an event. Read more.
Rita Men, Ph.D., Chief Research Editor, IPR Organizational Communication Research Center  

We often hear people say communication failed because they missed the target. Similar to any strategic communication effort, employee communication requires a thorough understanding and accurate grasp of the internal audience. Employees from different backgrounds, cultures, generations, and with various levels of technology adaptability, all work under the same roof.  
Given such distinctive characteristics among these groups of employees, communication should be tailored to fit the needs of each group. Internal audience segmentation puts the needs, thoughts and behaviors of employees under the microscope so that communication and messages can truly click with them. Read more.  
Erin Ford, Institute for PR

As storytelling makes its rise, the third installment of APCO Worldwide's annual TradeMarks Study shows that third-party validators and storytellers are among the top differentiators for associations. APCO's research found that understanding the changing nature and rhythm of how a Hill staffer receives information is crucial for effective advocacy in the future.

As leaders in the Capitol now routinely receive their information from mobile devices, the importance of mobile-optimized and targeted communication is increasingly important to reach these individuals. "Effective associations will increasingly need to be technologically savvy and sophisticated in their targeting, and through it all, have a resonant story that can be communicated simply," said Gadi Dechter, senior director and head of APCO's public affairs practice in Washington, D.C. Read more.
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