Tina McCorkindale, Ph.D., Institute for Public Relations

This is the second in a series of blog posts for Measurement Month.

Measurement, measurement, measurement. Twenty-five years ago, under the leadership of Jack Felton, IPR formed the Measurement Commission to help address issues and offer research support for measurement and related topics. This Commission still provides research and thought leadership, as frustrations with the current state of measurement continue to grow.

The metrics we use today, or suggest as gold standards, are still largely focused on the media. Working with and monitoring media, both traditional and social, are only a small part of what we do. Our industry should focus on other methods such as surveys, experiments, and even predictive modeling made possible by the increased access to big data. Read more.
Hua Jiang, Ph.D., Syracuse University

Email, instant messaging, laptops, and mobile phones, are among the most extensive technologies used by organizations that adopt flexible work schedules. Despite the benefits associated with increased technological advancements, scholars and professionals have recognized some detrimental effects on employee well-being.

Modern technology makes the boundaries between employees' work and personal life more permeable, leading to work expansion and stress spillover. Organizations and broader communities need to implement supportive policies and limit employees' technology access during off-work hours. Leaders are expected to play an instrumental role in promoting an appropriate work-life balance. Read more.
Terry Flynn, Ph.D., McMaster University

C ommunicators should always be aware of the level of trust they have with their intended audience. Establishing trust allows communicators to build a mental shortcut to the listener. The level of trustworthiness is determined by the receiver's evaluation of the communicator based on various qualities like expertise, attraction and communicator identification.
Credibility can motivate the listener to more quickly accept the message without considering its format or quality. For PR professionals to build trust, their key messages must be authentic and honest.
Read more.
Keith Burton and Patrick Ford
Keith Burton, IPR Trustee and Principal of Grayson Emmett Partners, launched a new podcast, "Walking the Labyrinth." The first episode features fellow IPR Trustee and Burson-Marsteller's Patrick Ford, discussing the complexity of employee communications.
Ford will be featured at IPR's Annual Distinguished Lecture & Awards Dinner on November 30, accepting the Alexander Hamilton Medal for lifetime achievement in the field of public relations. Tables and tickets for the dinner are still available on the IPR website. For more information about the podcast, read more.

Experience IPR's Research Symposium through the eyes of social media. The September 10 event in London featured speakers from across the globe. Topics ranged from the influence of social media to the branding of the Nobel Peace Prize. View some of the highlights. 
Institute for Public Relations | 352-392-0280 | sarah@instituteforpr.org www.instituteforpr.org