2021 Innovative Risk Management Award Submissions
The award recipient is selected by September 15. The award is presented during the October Board of Director’s Meeting and highlighted in the October IRMA E-News.
Every year, IRMA recognizes a member that exhibits a commitment to the safety of their employees, facilities and public. As your partner in risk management, IRMA is offering its members the opportunity to be awarded for creative solutions that reduce risks and enhance safety.
Award selection is based on review by the Training and Risk Management Committee and IRMA staff. Criteria for selection of an application is dependent upon the entry of the program, equipment, technology or protocol that successfully addresses emerging risks in the public sector with an ability to be adopted by other members or neighboring communities.
Risk Management News
IRMA Reinstates Mask Mandate and Encourages Members to Do the Same
@riskcontroltech.com - An Email Address to Whitelist
@riskcontroltech.com is an important email address that needs to be whitelisted. All communication related onsite trainings and loss control visits will be sent through our risk management software Risk Control Technologies. Please make sure your I.T. Department is aware of this email address and approves it.
Model Policy Updates
In 2019 an average of two workers were killed in work zones each day. And as of August 2, 2021, 35 emergency responders have been killed while responding to traffic incidents. As an employer it is your responsibility to protect your workers from these types of incidents. Implement and train thoroughly on Work Zone and Traffic Incident Management programs and policy. To assist, IRMA has created best practice guidelines for each type of scenario. See the IRMA website to download your copies.
Training Updates
Request Your Training Today!
For scheduling questions, please contact Lisa Lebam Risk Management & Training Coordinator at lisal@irmarisk.org. Any other inquiries should be directed to Jen Swahlstedt, Director of Risk Management & Training Services at jennifers@irmarisk.org.
Our Loss Control Consultants are conducting onsite training in a limited basis. We will do our best to honor all requests however, to provide services equitably to all members scheduling restrictions may apply.

*Onsite training programs will follow COVID-19 Mitigation Measures and include a pre-visit check-in 24-48 hours in advance of the scheduled training program.

Claims Corner
Court Enters Summary Judgment on Slip and Fall on Ice
Learn about tort immunity protections for the effect of weather conditions on municipal property.
Court Dismisses Takings and Tort Claims Based on Flooding
Learn how discretionary immunity achieved a dismissal of all claims.
Court Throws Out Privacy Lawsuit for Publishing Name, Address & Phone Number on Website
What is private information?
Appellate Court Upholds Dismissal of Case Against Police Officer Who Failed to Arrest Drunk Driver
Discover the immunities for failure to provide adequate police protection or failure to make an arrest.

The IRMA Office will be closed on Monday, September 6th
Intergovernmental Risk Management Agency
4 Westbrook Corporate Center, Suite 940
Westchester, IL 60154
(708) 562-0300