The AR cloud is the missing piece in the vision we all have for AR. But how will it be built, and who will do the heavy lifting? Google has shown signs through its Maps API, VPS and Lens. This week, Apple joins the party with similar signs of assembling spatial mapping data.
Global XR revenues will grow from $4.2 billion in 2017 to $61 billion in 2022 according to our latest forecast. That includes AR, VR, and the enterprise and consumer segments of each. So where does enterprise VR sit in that revenue pie?
AR's promise is to drive commerce, such as visualizing large items in-home. But brand adoption is going to require less talk and more proof. We assemble available metrics, including 11x conversion deltas for AR-driven commerce.
Where are we in AR's life span? You’ll get different answers from different people. For some it’s magic; for some it’s under-developed, and for others it’s all hype. For Unity XR lead and industry O.G. Tony Parisi, the answer is that we’re farther along than you think.
AR's nascent stage brings opportunity and uncertainty. In the latter category, questions loom about who "owns" AR graphics. When the AR cloud anchors graphics to physical property, how will we assign value and ownership? Will it be technology or the courts that decide?
What's driving XR adoption? What are installed bases? Revenue outlook? Usage patterns? ARtillry PRO answers these questions with an intelligence vault filled with data, insights, multimedia and analyst access. It's all about gaining a knowledge-edge and saving time with a single launch point for XR intelligence.